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Salary- $17.85/hour

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Field assistants will be involved in one or more research projects, which are collaborations between the
Harvey Lab, the Washington DNR, Tulalip Tribes, UW Climate Impacts Group, US Forest Service and National Park Service:

Postfire vegetation measurements in recently burned forests across the western WA and OR Cascades (North
Cascades National Park, Mt BakerSnoqualmie, Gifford Pinchot, Willamette, and Mt Hood National Forests)

Measuring longterm forest plots in Cedar Flats & Sister Rocks Research Natural Areas (near Cougar & Carson, WA)

We acknowledge our work in the PNW is located on homelands of Indigenous peoples, and we have a responsibility to reflect on the histories
of dispossession and forced removal of the original inhabitants, as well as the resilience and vibrancy of their cultures today.

DUTIES: Field assistants will be collecting data on forest structure and composition. Tasks will involve:

(a) navigating variable terrain to forest plots using maps and GPS; (b) identifying plant species; (c) tagging, measuring, and
mapping trees; (d) assessing tree mortality and regeneration; and (e) measuring postfire fuels and carbon