Full Job Post: https://8c35bb37-40d4-4cda-b60b-1ba8b4cc9df2.filesusr.com/ugd/716bc5_7893d9d17e3a4116af788ec1bfd393fe.pdf (PDF)

Facing Homelessness

Located in Seattle, Facing Homelessness is a unique organization. Our programs are designed to bring people closer, reduce fear of the unknown, and build our community’s capacity for compassion. Each program is an entry point. Each a doorway for community members to contribute their unique passions and skills to end homelessness.

Facing Homelessness is governed by an eight member volunteer board of directors that is dedicated to contributing its passions and skills toward the effort of ending homelessness. The Executive Director will lead a team of eight talented, committed staff members who provide the programming and support needed by the individuals who connect with Facing Homelessness.

Founded in 2013, the organization is now involved in an in-depth strategic planning process to determine the road ahead for the organization. The final plan will be set in partnership with the new executive director in mid-2021. The 2021 program and expenditure budget for the organization is $1.3 million. Revenues are primarily derived from loyal individual contributors, annual fundraisers, corporate, and foundation grants. Current programs are outlined below.

Facing Homelessness Programs

Photos + Stories

We tell stories and share photos of people on Facebook and Instagram who are experiencing homelessness, with the simple purpose of showing the beauty in each person. For those living inside, this serves as a soft entry to the issue of homelessness. It is a small step toward overcoming the barriers of negative stereotypes and fear. For those living outside, it is a first step toward overcoming feelings of being invisible. It creates a connection to community and resources. Our stories are often accompanied by fundraising campaigns to help the person experiencing homelessness obtain items and services that are critical to their survival or quality of life.

The Window of Kindness is a physical place of connection between community members and people experiencing homelessness. The healing power of listening and connecting extends to everyone who participates. At the window, volunteers hand out thousands of socks, gloves, snacks, sleeping bags, and other supplies essential to staying dry and warm. But people often come for a cup of hot chocolate, conversation, and a listening ear. Everything we give is a vehicle for kindness and human connection. Every connection is a reminder that we all live better when we feel loved.

Community Cleanups People living outside are regularly “swept” from where they are staying, asked to move along with nowhere to go. We gather volunteers to remove trash from encampments, offering an easy entry point for people to get involved and make a difference, and helping to alleviate the tension that often builds surrounding encampments.

The BLOCK Project We build homes for those living on the streets, and we take a bold stand: We will never end homelessness through housing alone. A new approach is needed, one that acknowledges that relationships are the building blocks for healing our communities and that we can no longer see those who are homeless as ‘other’. This bold new model invites all of us to step forward with our own abilities to create societal change. To learn more about this initiative and how you can get involved, please visit our BLOCK Project site: https://www.the-block-project.org/

Organizational Strengths:

• Leads with love and compassion

• High quality, highly passionate and committed staff, board and volunteers

• Innovative, nimble, responsive and bold

• Has a committed community of supporters just waiting to be leveraged

• Strong programs delivered with love and compassion

• Strong brand and very good reputation

• Unique mission that compels involvement and draws in volunteers and donors

Initial Focus for the Executive Director:

• Increase external communications and social media presence

• Unify the board, staff and volunteers around the mission, vision, values, and Theory of Change to develop a strategic implementation plan

• Evaluate current programming in line with Facing Homelessness’ Theory of Change

• Establish formal development plan to steward current donors and increase the number of new donors

Longer Term Focus:

• Implement Theory of Change and Strategic Plan

• Define improved outcome measures for programs

• Focus on financial resource development to ensure future program sustainability


Seven-plus years of successful leadership and management, ideally in the nonprofit or public sectors. Demonstrated success in leading organizational transformation, collaboration, team-building, internal and external communications, and fundraising. Experience working with nonprofit, volunteer boards. Demonstrated commitment to principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism. Lived or professional experience with homelessness or trauma-informed programming a plus.


• Ability to meet people where they are

• Ability to think strategically and act tactically

• Adaptable

• Appropriate sense of humor

• Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

• Decisive

• Empathetic

• Empowers others

• Humble

• Innovative

• Inspirational

• Passionate for the work

• Strong emotional intelligence

• Visionary

Application and Selection Process

Applications received by 5:00 p.m. on May 21, 2021 are assured full consideration. It is wise to apply earlier if possible because additional application materials may be requested. It is anticipated that final candidate interviews will be held the week of July 5, 2021 with a decision made shortly thereafter.

To register as a candidate or view more information, please go to: http://www.hagelsearch.com/facinghomelessness

All submissions will be acknowledged and will be held in strict confidence. Finalists for the position will be required to participate in a behavioral assessment. The assessment is web-based, takes about 75 minutes to complete, and helps match the candidate’s traits with the desired traits detailed above. All results are held strictly confidential.

Contact Information

For further information please contact: Frank Hagel (253) 572-2439 x304 or Marcia Walker (253) 572- 2439 x310. Or email: frank@hagel.net or marcia@hagel.net. DO NOT submit your application to these email addresses.