With ambitious climate policies failing to gain traction at the state level and increasing numbers of wildfires, droughts and other climate impacts already hitting Oregon, now is a more critical time than ever to make concrete progress in the fight against climate change. We need to stop using fossil fuels, shift to renewable energy, use energy more efficiently, and reform the material economy that drives our society to consume past Earth’s carrying capacity. Oregon can and should play a key role in realizing this vision.

The Environment Oregon Climate Associate would work on our Climate Defenders campaign, organizing volunteers who regularly make their voices heard and help educate and engage other Oregonians on climate change.

We are seeking a Campaign Associate who will spearhead this campaign and work with our experienced team of advocates, researchers, and digital and communications experts.

Entry-level candidates are encouraged to apply; we provide training on advocacy and organizing skills, as well as oversight and on-the-ground training by an experienced advocate. Ideal candidates will have leadership experience, top-notch written and verbal skills, an eagerness to learn, and be ready for a challenge. We value organizing experience, including building campus or community groups.

Typical Responsibilities

  • Build powerful coalitions: Reach out to like-minded organizations and affected constituency groups to demonstrate support for our campaign goals.
  • Earn traditional media and social media attention: Organize news conferences and write opinion pieces. Build a following on Facebook and Twitter for your campaign.
  • Lobby elected officials: Coordinate strategy with champions in Congress. Make a convincing case to legislators who are undecided on a particular vote. When a critical vote is happening on your campaign, work to demonstrate the support you’ve been building on the ground to help line up the votes needed to win.
  • Research and write reports: Catalogue and analyze data relevant to the issue and our policy proposals to help influence public debate and earn media attention for our cause.
  • Identify and cultivate donors: Reach out to foundations and major donors and ask them to fund your campaign.
  • Run a grassroots campaign office each summer: Run a campaign office for the summer to raise money to support our campaigns, build our organization and membership, and help build critical and timely grassroots support to win key campaigns while honing your organizing and management skills.

Apply herehttps://jobs.environmentamerica.org/ORE-campaign-associate.html#new_tab