Job Type: Permanent
Salary Details: $30,000 to 35,000/year
Deadline: Jul 15, 2021
Required Experience: 2 – 6 years

See full job details at

Friends of Coastal South Carolina has an immediate opening for a full-time, experienced educator to oversee our science learning and environmental stewardship programs.  Friends of Coastal South Carolina is a nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving the natural resources along the South Carolina coast.  We fulfill our mission through supporting environmental education and wildlife conservation projects for the Francis Marion National Forest and Waccamaw, Cape Romain, and E.F. Hollings ACE Basin National Wildlife Refuges.  Our organization was established in 1996 and reaches hundreds of kids along the South Carolina coast each year through our education programs. 

Our standards-based programs reach a diverse group of elementary and middle school students and focus on using the ecosystems of the forest and refuges to introduce students to real-world applications of their classroom science and math lessons.   In addition, through teaching our students about the value of our coastal ecosystems, and their role as stewards of our environment, we hope to instill in them an appreciation for these ecosystems that will lead to a lifelong conservation ethic.  For more information about our programs and organization, please see our website at

We set exceptionally high standards for the content and delivery of our programs.  This position requires excellent teaching skills and the ability to engage and direct K-12 kids in a variety of settings and group sizes.  Instructors must be able to project passion and enthusiasm for the natural world and explain complex science and conservation topics clearly and in a way that sparks students’ interest and curiosity.     

We want a candidate who will be committed to keeping our education program area fresh and innovative in the years to come. This is a challenging position that requires a great deal of flexibility and creativity.  It does, however, offer the ideal applicant a great deal of independence and room for innovation. This candidate will also have a great deal of input in identifying the needed resources to meet our future program goals. 

Primary Duties include:

  • Teaching standards-based lessons to students grades K-12. Programs are taught on various sites, including Waccamaw NWR in northwestern Georgetown County, Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge/Francis Marion National Forest near Awendaw, SC, and ACE Basin NWR in southern Charleston County.   We also utilize classroom and laboratory facilities at the Sewee Environmental Education Center in Awendaw and the Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge Visitor and Environmental Education Center.  During the school year, we teach a limited number of in-class lessons.    
  • Coordinating all logistical aspects of the education programs, including but not limited to: working with schools to schedule programs; supervising volunteers and interns to assist with programs, including scheduling and training; ensuring necessary program supplies are available; maintain classroom and laboratory facilities; providing education animal care (reptiles and amphibians).
  • Program development: ensuring our programs stay innovative and relevant to current environmental issues, especially issues directly impacting the forest and refuges, incorporating data from ongoing research on the refuges and forest into lessons, ensuring programs are aligned with the SC Department of Education standards; working with teachers to ensure curricula are aligned with their needs.
  • Impacts assessment: working with the executive director to identify additional ways to quantify the impacts of our programs on students’ academic learning and attitudes towards conservation.
  • Work with the executive director to conduct outreach to establish relationships with new schools and other partnerships that further our organization’s mission.
  • Manage the organization’s social media (with guidance from the executive director).
  • Participating with the executive director and board in other aspects of the nonprofit organization as needed, including fundraising and community outreach events, communication with donors, and managing the organization’s social media.
  • Assisting with operations of our two education center retail stores.
  • May occasionally be asked to help with other education center operations.  

The ideal applicant should have:

  • A Master’s degree in Biology, Science Education, Environmental Science, or a related field.
  • At least three years of experience teaching in an environmental education setting.  Program administration experience required.    
  • An understanding of current environmental education trends, relevant SC State standards for education, and current conservation issues. 
  • A strong knowledge of our local ecosystems (especially salt marsh, freshwater wetlands, and longleaf pine forests).  Prior field research experience desirable;
  • A desire to work with children of all ages and backgrounds;
  • Willingness to travel to our different Education Centers and schools along the coast for programs (federal vehicle available for travel to off-site programs);
  • Proven ability to manage volunteers and interns, interface with teachers, and conduct classes in a safe outdoor learning environment.
  • Be  creative, flexible, and self-motivated with a strong work ethic and the ability to take the initiative, meet deadlines and deal with daily challenges (this is a very independent position);
  • Excellent technology skills, including proficiency with Microsoft Office products and social media.  
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to develop and deliver formal presentations to a variety of audiences.  

Additional Requirements:

  • Must pass a federal criminal background screening.
  • Must be able to work outside and stand/walk on trails in all seasons for long periods of time.
  • Must be willing to handle and care for educational animals, including turtles, snakes, and a small alligator.
  • Must be able to lift 40 lbs.
  • Must have a valid driver’s license.
  • Must be willing to work on occasional weekends and evenings.


Send brief cover letter (one page maximum), resume (no more than three pages, two preferred), and three professional references to Grace Gasper, Executive Director, at

Please submit all materials combined as a single Word or PDF document labeled as first name. last name.  Pleas put EPC application in the subject line.