Job Type          Permanent

Salary Details  $32-$35/hour DOQ

Deadline          Dec 31, 2020

Required Experience  2 – 6 years

The District Manager is responsible for day-to-day operations, identifying and securing grants and other funding sources, and supervision of all district employees, projects and programs. She/he serves as a member of a team of natural resource conservation professionals working together and with the San Juan Islands community to enhance, protect, and restore our islands natural resources as directed by the District Board of Supervisors. Funding for this position is subject to state and local government grants and contracts.

The SJICD is a non-regulatory sub-division of state government created in 1947.  SJICD provides information and technical and financial assistance to help all San Juan County residents meet sustainable, land-use goals using best management practices.  Conservation districts are nationwide, grassroots conservation agencies goverened by a local Board of Supervisors consisting of local residents.

For more information and full job description, see:


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