
  • Open & closing dates

     10/19/2020 to 10/30/2020

  • Service


  • Pay scale & grade

    GS 13 – 14

  • Salary

    $111,286 to $170,800 per year

  • Appointment type


  • Work schedule




    These positions are located in Pacific West Regional Office, Interior Regions 8, 9, 10, and 12, in the Cultural Resources Division. Current career and career conditional employees of the Department of Interior may apply.


    One position is located at the Californian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit at the University of California, Berkeley, CA, which is the host university for the Californian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CA-CESU). The second position is located at the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit at the University of Washington, in Seattle, WA, which is the host university for the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (PNW-CESU).Develop and implement an integrated program of natural, social and cultural resource research that supports NPS Pacific West Region’s (PWR) units;
    • Develop partnerships and secures outside sources of support from Federal, State, academic, and private organizations to conduct cooperative research efforts;
    • Serve as liaison with partner agencies;
    • Serves as a member of the national network of CESU’s, provides the National Park Service with technical leadership in providing an integrated and responsive research program at the regional and service-wide levels.


    Conditions of Employment

    • U.S. Citizenship required.
    • Appointment subject to background investigation and favorable adjudication.
    • Meet Selective Service Registration Act requirement for males
    • Selectee will be required to participate in the Direct Deposit Electronics Funds Transfer Program.
    • Salary for Seattle: $99,941 – $153,527
    • Salary for Berkeley: $111,286 – $170,800
    • Any individual who is currently holding, or has held within the previous 52 weeks, a General Schedule position under non-temporary appointment in the competitive or excepted service, must meet time-in-grade requirements (must have served 52 weeks at the next lower grade or equivalent in the Federal service). Time-in-grade requirements must be met by the closing date of this announcement.
    • You may be required to operate a government (or private) motor vehicle as part of your official duties. Prior to your first official motor vehicle operation, and again every year thereafter (or more frequently if management determines such need exists), you will be required to sign an affidavit certifying to your possession of a valid State issued driver’s license that is current and has not been revoked, suspended, canceled, or otherwise disqualified in any way to prohibit your operation of a motor vehicle. You will also submit a photocopy of your valid State issued driver’s license prior to your first official motor vehicle operation, and again every year, or more frequently if management determines such need exists. Lastly, you may be required to submit (within a State sealed envelope or submitted directly by the State authorities), and at your own expense, all certified driving records from all States that discloses all valid driver’s licenses, whether current or past, possessed by you. Please indicate in your application whether you possess a valid State driver’s license.
    • You may be required to work on-call, evenings, weekends, holidays, overtime and shift work.
    • If you are a new employee or supervisor in the Federal government, you will be required to complete a one-year probationary period.
    • You may be required to travel overnight away from home up to 25 percent of your time. You must obtain a government charge card for travel purposes.
    • You may be required to complete training and obtain/maintain a government charge card with travel.


    Berkeley CESU Research Coordinator: This position will be filled in the following series: 0101, 0408, 0486 or 1301.

    Seattle CESU Research Coordinator: This position will be filled in the following series: 0101, 0190, 0408 or 1301.

    All qualifications must be met by the closing date of this announcement-10/30/2020-unless otherwise stated in this vacancy announcement.

    Credit will be given for all appropriate qualifying experience. For current Federal employees, if hours worked per week are not included on your resume, you must submit a non-award SF-50 as part of your application to be used to validate your work schedule and determine the amount of specialized experience that you will be granted. An award or general adjustment SF-50 will not be acceptable documentation for which to consider your amount of qualifying experience. For all other applicants who are not current federal employees, your resume must state either “full-time” (or “40 hours a week”) or “part-time” with the number of hours worked per week to ensure proper crediting of specialized experience.

    You must submit a copy of your transcripts (unofficial are acceptable) to show how you meet the basic requirement.

    In order to qualify for this position, applicants must meet the Basic Requirement for one of the following series and the specialized experience requirement:

    Social Sciences, GS-0101: Successful completion of a degree in behavioral or social science OR successful combination of education and experience, course work equivalent to a major (24 hours) and additional experience and education OR Completion of at least four years of work experience to acquire the knowledge in behavioral or social sciences.

    Anthropology, GS-0190: Successful completion of a degree with a major field of study in anthropology OR successful combination of education and experience, course work equivalent to a major in anthropology (24 hours) plus experience or additional education OR successful completion of four years of appropriate experience in anthropology performing research, museum work or similar professional level experience.

    Ecology, GS-0408: Successful completion of a degree in biological sciences or a related field of science underlying ecological research that included at least 30 semester hours in basic and applied biological sciences. These hours must have included at least 9 semester hours in ecology, and 12 semester hours in physical and mathematical sciences. (transcripts required)

    Wildlife Biology, GS-0486: Successful completion of a degree in biology, that included at least 9 semester hours in wildlife subjects such as ornithology, animal ecology, wildlife management, or research courses in the field of wildlife biology; AND at least 12 semester hours of zoology in such subjects as general zoology, invertebrate zoology, vertebrate zoology, comparative anatomy, physiology, genetics, ecology, cellular biology, parasitology, entomology, or research courses in such subjects AND at least 9 semester hours in botany or related plant sciences. (transcripts required) OR combination of education and experience -completed courses equivalent to a major as shown in A above plus appropriate experience or additional experience. This must be equivalent to a major in biological science (i.e., at least 30 semester hours), with at least 9 semester hours in wildlife subjects, 12 semester hours in zoology, and 9 semester hours in botany or related plant science, as shown in A above, plus appropriate experience or additional education. (transcripts required)

    Physical Science, GS-1301: Successful completion ofdegree in physical science, engineering, or mathematics that included 24 semester hours in physical science and/or related engineering science such as mechanics, dynamics, properties of materials, and electronics. (transcripts required) OR combination of education and experience – completed courses equivalent to a major as shown in A above plus appropriate experience or additional experience. This must be equivalent to a major in one of the majors shown in A above that included at least 24 semester hours in physical science and/or related engineering science, plus appropriate experience or additional education.

    To qualify for this position at the GS-13 grade level, you must possess the following specialized experience and the Basic Requirement (listed above) by close of the announcement:

    EXPERIENCE: At least one full year of specialized experience comparable in scope and responsibility to the GS-12 grade level in the Federal service (obtained in either the public or private sectors). This experience includes activities such as:1) managing some component of a science-based program for a public land management agency/organization or university system; 2) assisting in development or implementation of a science-based program that includes natural, social, or cultural research; 3) providing technical leadership to a public land management agency or organization; 4) researching partnerships and outside sources of support from Federal, State, academic, and private organizations to conduct cooperative research efforts; and 5) coordinating or consulting with other public land management or resource agencies or organizations on research projects. . You must include hours per week worked.

    To qualify for this position at the GS-14 grade level, you must possess the following specialized experience and the Basic Requirement (listed above) by close of the announcement:

    EXPERIENCE: At least one full year of specialized experience comparable in scope and responsibility to the GS-13 grade level in the Federal service (obtained in either the public or private sectors). This experience must includes activities performed with an inter-disciplinary team such as: 1) managing inter- disciplinary components of a science-based program for a public land management agency/organization or university system; 2) leading the development or implementation of a science-based program that includes natural, social, and cultural research (experience must include inter-disciplinary science program); 3) providing technical leadership to a public land management agency or organization; 4) researching partnerships and outside sources of support from Federal, State, academic, and private organizations to conduct cooperative research efforts; and 5) coordinating or consulting with other public land management or resource agencies or organizations on research projects.

    Volunteer Experience: Experience refers to paid and unpaid experience, including volunteer work done through National Service programs (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) and other organizations (e.g., professional; philanthropic; religious; spiritual; community, student, social). Volunteer work helps build critical competencies, knowledge, and skills and can provide valuable training and experience that translates directly to paid employment. You will receive credit for all qualifying experience, including volunteer experience.


    To qualify for the Basic Requirement, you must submit a legible copy of transcripts from an accredited institution with your name, school name, credit hours, course level, major(s), and grade-point average or class ranking. Transcripts do not need to be official, but if you are selected for this position and you used your education to qualify, you must provide official transcripts before you begin work.

    If you are using education completed in foreign colleges or universities to meet qualification requirements, you must show that your education credentials have been evaluated by a private organization that specializes in interpretation of foreign education programs and such education has been deemed equivalent to that gained in an accredited U.S. education program; or full credit has been given for the courses at a U.S. accredited college or university.

    There is no substitution of education for specialized experience at the grade level(s) of this announcement.

    Apply here: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/582078900#new_tab