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Salary- DOE

Responsible for gathering and analyzing sustainability-related data and ensuring completion of sustainability assessments and reports, the position tracks, benchmarks and analyzes a wide range of metrics related to Lehigh’s operations. This position collaborates and works closely with a number of departments on campus to accurately track and report data.  The analyst monitors and assesses the impact programs and operations by using both qualitative and quantitative methods and uses this information to inform and recommend changes. The Lehigh community takes seriously our commitment to antiracism and The Principles of our Equitable Community.

1. Manage internal campus sustainability data collection and reporting as it relates to Lehigh’s Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030 and Climate Action Strategy

  • Collect Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030 goal progress data and develop annual progress report scorecard
  • Develop ongoing gap analysis to determine where Lehigh is lagging and provide actionable recommendations
  • Collect and manage waste tracking data from departments
  • Maintain the LEED credit sheets for capital projects to assist design consultants and the capital projects team with LEED submissions
  • Manage data in GRITS, including GRITS Goals, in coordination with LU Facilities
  • Collect data and manage Lehigh’s annual greenhouse gas inventory process
  • Collect Climate Action Strategy progress data
  • Prepare data visualization materials to present to the campus community and senior leadership

2. Manage internal transportation and real estate data collection and reporting

  • Collect progress data across all mobility data sources
  • Prepare data visualization materials to present to the campus community and senior leadership
  • Support management of financial projections and cash flow reports
  • Perform other metrics and reporting tasks for Lehigh Transportation and Real Estate Services, as needed

3. Manage external data collection and reporting for sustainability assessments and reports and work to continuously improve Lehigh’s rankings

  • Collect data from departments university-wide and report to AASHE STARS annually
  • Develop ongoing gap analysis to determine how to continue to improve Lehigh’s AASHE STARS score and rating
  • Report annually to AASHE’s Sustainable Campus Index and the Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Colleges
  • Collect sustainability data for Times Higher Education survey to support OIRSA

4. Support student experiential learning projects by bridging the gap between operational data needs and faculty

  • Oversee the Real Food Challenge and Sustainable and Healthful Food Purchasing Policy data collection and research with Lehigh Dining
  • Support students working on Campus Sustainable Impact Fellowship Projects