The World Ocean Council (WOC) is the Global Blue Economy Business and Investment Organization – the international, multi-industry business alliance for leadership, collaboration and action on sustainable development and “Corporate Ocean Responsibility”.

The WOC has created the world’s largest ocean sustainable development business network, with 35,000+ industry and investment stakeholders from around the world and across the sectors, including WOC Member companies and several hundred companies and industry groups with whom WOC works regularly, at the CEO or senior executive level. The WOC is a not-for-profit, non-government organization registered in the US and Europe.

The WOC is seeking talented and motivated persons with an interest and ambition to help ensure the future health and sustainability of the ocean by working with the WOC and the ocean business and investment community on the projects outlined below.

The objective of this program is two-fold:

  1. To equip up-and-coming professionals with lifelong learning capabilities, in order to meet of the need of future of work and to thrive in time of uncertainty.
  2. To provide young professionals with involvement in real-life projects and direct engagement with ocean industry operators.

Download WOC Internship Program Details here:

WOC Internship Program 2021 PPT

WOC Internship Program 2021 Word

Click Here to Apply:


The internship duration is three months, from early June to late August.

Each WOC Intern will participate in two parallel tracks:

  1. Track 1:

The WOC Program Project that the intern has successfully applied for.

  1. Track 2:

Self-Identified Learning Project regarding ocean sustainable development.

The project should focus on a question of professional, personal or societal significance that the intern is passionate about and motivated to pursue.

The two tracks do not have to have direct, explicit connection.

Time commitment:

  • At Least 30 hours per week
  • 75% time on Track 1: WOC Program Project
  • 25% time on Track 2: Self-Identified Learning Question
  • Flexible work dates and hours
  • Availability outside normal work hours for international calls and meetings

Location: Virtual

The WOC Internship program includes the following key events:

  • WOC Intern cohort kick off week
  • Weekly Intern cohort meetings
  • Weekly mentoring session with WOC Secretariat Staff or Associate
  • Weekly program buddy check in
  • Intermediate reporting (end of month 1 and month 2)
  • Final reporting (end of month 3)
  • Graduation celebration (after final report)

For the WOC Internship Program, the WOC will dedicate the time, resources, talent and experience of its staff and associates to the training and professional development of Interns. WOC is not able to provide compensation for Interns.

The WOC is committed to continue to engage with Interns beyond the actual program to help advance the career and personal development of graduate students and young professionals who we hope will be able to work on ocean sustainable development at the WOC or in the ocean business and investment community in the years to come.


A certificate of completion of the program is available for those who are interested


The WOC is seeking applicants from anywhere in the world who are:

  • Students enrolled in graduate programs (Masters, PhD or equivalent)
  • Early career professionals

The internship program consists of two tracks:

Track 1 – WOC Program Project:

Applicants are invited to apply for one of the projects outlined below which best fits their interests and qualifications. If an applicant feels qualified for more than on project area, a separate application may be submitted for a second project. Successful applicants will only participate in one project area.

Track 2 – Self-Identified Learning Project:

Applicants will identify their learning project question as part of completing the application form.

Application deadline: 30 April 2021

Application Process:

  • Please complete and submit the following form [click here]
  • Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted


Communications and Events

– Background:

The WOC seeks engaging ways to communicate WOC’s message and work to its global network of  ocean business and investment stakeholders.

– Task areas include:

  • Develop the draft WOC communications strategy.
  • Create engaging communication material for the WOC Network, e.g. videos, articles, podcasts.
  • Work with WOC team to develop regular communications and outreach, e.g. News Releases.
  • Update, expand and improve the WOC website content and presentation on key program areas.
  • Participate in designing and implementing communications for the 2021 WOC Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) and Blue Finance Summit (BlueFIN).
  • Work with the WOC team to develop the program, content, topics, panels, etc. for the 2021 WOC Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) and Blue Finance Summit (BlueFIN).

Young Ocean Professionals

– Background:

The WOC Young Ocean Professionals (YOP) Initiative seeks to develop a global, cross-sectoral and educational network on “Corporate Ocean Responsibility”.  The YOP effort is designed to catalyze and leverage sustainability in the ocean business and investment community by fostering and facilitating interaction among early career professionals around the world and across the sectors.

– Task areas include:

  • Undertake research on existing young professional networks in ocean-related industries to add to the WOC database on such networks.
  • Reach out to existing networks to understand the interest and needs of the organization and its members regarding sustainable development.
  • Organize virtual global roundtable(s) of young professional networks in ocean-related industries.
  • Foster and facilitate dialogue among young professional networks during the roundtable(s) and outside the roundtables to identify priorities and areas for actions of value to young ocean professionals.
  • Develop draft strategy for WOC YOP program.

Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty

– Background:

The WOC is the only business organization that has been consistently involved in the BBNJ treaty development during the past decade, including as an accredited observer to the current round of formal negotiations at the UN. The WOC has been working to ensure that the global ocean business community is informed and engaged in the BBNJ treaty development. The final negotiations for the BBNJ treaty were due to take place in 2020 and will recommence as soon as possible.

– Task areas include:

  • Work with WOC members and experts to develop briefing papers on the BBNJ in the key treaty subject areas of 1) environmental impact assessment and 2) area based management.
  • Circulate the papers to the global ocean business community for review and comment.
  • Collate and synthesize the response from ocean industries into revised WOC briefing papers for the global ocean business community and for submission to the UN.

SMART Ocean-SMART Industries (SO-SI)

– Background:

The WOC is working to scale up the number of ships, fishing boats, aquaculture farms, offshore wind farms, etc. involved in data collection and sharing by hosting or deploying instruments.

– Task areas include:

  • Advance development of the SO-SI coordinating/clearinghouse mechanism to foster and facilitate the involvement of a much broader number of industry vessels and platforms in the SO-SI program.
  • Expand the WOC inventory and database of existing ocean industry voluntary data collection efforts.
  • Assist interested companies in getting started with collecting and sharing data.
  • Research and identify potential SO-SI partners and funders to obtain the resources needed to more fully develop and implement the program.
  • Develop pilot, demonstration projects with leading companies in the shipping and other sectors focused on information gathering needs and opportunities in priority areas.
  • Provide secretariat support to the SO-SI Working Group.
  • Develop awareness raising materials for industry on the need, opportunity and value getting involved in voluntary data collection.

Biofouling and Invasive Species

– Background:

The WOC is leading the efforts within the UN Glofouling project to engage a wide range of industries and tackling the problem of biofouling and the transmission of invasive species.

– Task areas include:

  • Undertake research on industry best practices in three key ocean sectors.
  • Identify key companies and individuals regarding best practices in these sectors.
  • Undertake interviews with key ocean companies and individuals.
  • Work with WOC team to write up draft reports on industry best practices that will form part of reports to be published by the UN.

Ocean Investor Roundtable/Ocean ESG Framework

– Background:

The WOC Ocean Investor Roundtable has identified the development of an ocean ESG framework as a priority for advancing the role of investment an ocean sustainable development. The framework will consolidate information on a systematic approach for ocean impact investors by identifying key topics, metrics, indicators and monitoring for investors to document the positive impact of their financing.

– Task areas include:

  • Work with the WOC and the Ocean Investor Roundtable Working Group on Ocean ESG to develop the framework by undertaking research on the existing frameworks.
  • Identify and access existing frameworks for ocean ESG, Blue Economy investing or the equivalent and invite these organizations to participate in the WG.
  • Review and evaluate existing information on key topics, metrics, indicators and monitoring for investors to document the positive impact of their financing and synthesize these into a common system.
  • Organize the existing frameworks and information into an initial composite ocean ESG framework for ocean investing.
  • Test the draft ocean ESG framework with a group of investors from the WOC Ocean Investor Roundtable.

Global Blue Economy Innovation Initiatives Network

– Background:

The WOC has developed the Global Blue Economy Innovation Initiatives Network to bring together the accelerators, incubators, startup hubs and challenge competitions related to the Blue Economy. The network is working to develop communication, coordination and opportunities for the various innovation initiatives by linking them with each other, with key ocean sustainability issues, with the ocean industries (market) and with the investment community.

– Task areas include:

  • Undertake research on existing ocean-related accelerators, incubators, startup hubs and challenge competitions to add to the WOC database.
  • Assist to organize the global bi-monthly virtual roundtable meeting of the Network.
  • Foster and facilitate dialogue among blue economy innovation initiatives during the roundtables and outside the roundtables to identify priorities and areas for actions of value to the innovation initiatives.
  • Develop summary reports of the Network meetings.
  • Develop draft strategy for the WOC Global Blue Economy Innovation Initiatives Network.

Ocean Restoration/CO2 Removal Roundtable

– Background:

The WOC has developed an Ocean Restoration/CO2 Removal Roundtable to bring together the business and investment community regarding opportunities to sequester carbon by facilitating and augmenting natural ocean processes.

– Task areas include:

  • Undertake research to identify on ocean-related carbon sequestration entities and efforts.
  • Assist to organize the global monthly virtual roundtable meeting on Ocean Restoration/CO2 Removal.
  • Foster and facilitate dialogue among Ocean Restoration/CO2 Removal initiatives during the roundtables and outside the roundtables to identify priorities and areas for actions of value to Ocean Restoration/CO2 Removal enterprises.
  • Develop summary reports of the Roundtable meetings.
  • Develop draft strategy for the WOC Ocean Restoration/CO2 Removal program.

Port/Coastal Infrastructure Adaptation and Resilience

– Background:

The WOC has developed a working group (WG) on Port/Coastal Infrastructure Adaptation and Resilience to bring together the business and investment community around the need and opportunity for more coordinated action, especially in small island development states and developing countries. These efforts seek to integrate grey (hard infrastructure), green (nature based solutions) and blue (Blue Carbon) approaches.

– Task areas include:

  • Undertake research to identify companies involved in Port/Coastal Infrastructure Adaptation and Resilience and investors interested in these areas.
  • Undertake research on the integrated gray/green/blue approach to coastal infrastructure development.
  • Assist to organize the virtual meeting of the Port/Coastal Infrastructure Adaptation WG.
  • Develop summary reports of the WG meetings.
  • Work with the WG participants to develop a draft strategy for the Port/Coastal Infrastructure Adaptation and Resilience program.
  • Develop draft strategy for WOC Global Blue Economy Innovation Initiatives Network.

30 x 30 Marine Conservation/Marine Protected Area (MPA) Campaign

– Background:

The global campaign to protect 30% of the planet’s lands and waters bye 2030 is a major, ambitious target for the current decade. The ocean business community is not well informed or engaged in the 30 x 30 process. The WOC is working to develop an effort to ensure that the diverse ocean industries understand and proactively engage constructively in the 30 x 30 process.

– Task areas include:

  • Undertake research on the 30 x 30 campaign and identify the key government agencies, etc. whom the WOC should contact.
  • Prepare briefing notes on the 30 x 30 campaign for the ocean business community.
  • Assist to organize the virtual ocean business community meeting on the 30 x 30 campaign.
  • Develop summary reports of the meeting.
  • Work with the WOC and interested companies participants to develop a draft strategy for business engagement in the 30 x 30 campaign.

Small Islands and Blue Economy Business Development

– Background:

There is an important need and opportunity to advance sustainable business development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This includes improving the interaction of the private sector between the three SIDS regions (Africa, Indian Ocean and South China Sea (AIS), Caribbean, Pacific) and the international business community. As part of this, the WOC is working to assess trends in current level of private sector partnerships in SIDS and review of progress in SIDS in the implementation of SDG 14.

– Task areas include:

–       Conduct research on the  trends in current level of private sector partnerships in SIDS

–       Develop draft report materials on:

  • Private sector partnerships in supporting sustainable development in SIDS
  • Opportunities and constraints
  • Trends in private sector partnerships in SIDS
  • Best practices and lessons learnt
  • Role of private sector partnerships

–      Conduct research on progress in SIDS in the implementation of SDG 14

–       Develop draft report materials on:

  • Positive and negative impacts of private sector partnerships in implementing SDG 14
  • Actions the international community
  • Result-oriented solutions based on partnerships to support SIDS in the achievement of the SDGs, especially SDG 14

Ocean Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Working Group

– Background:

The WOC is working to develop an international cross-disciplinary Working Group (WG) on Ocean Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The Ocean EIA WG seeks to bring together: 1) EIA Practitioners: Companies and individuals with experience in undertaking EIAs in the marine environment, 2) EIA Clients: Companies who are subject to EIA requirements, and industry groups from these sectors, 3) EIA Regulators: Representatives of government agencies and relevant intergovernmental organizations, 4) EIA Science: Representatives of academic, research and other organizations involved in understanding and addressing marine environmental threats, risk and impacts. The international, multi-disciplinary WG will enable EIA practitioners and companies to present their experience and recommendations for best practices in Ocean EIA, and work with other stakeholders in developing marine EIA moving forward. A key driver for the WG is the upcoming EIA as part of the legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine life in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ).

– Task areas include:

  • Undertake research to identify on Ocean EIA tools, methods, best practices,, etc.
  • Undertake research to identify key EIA Practitioners and Clients in the private sector.
  • Assist to organize several global virtual meetings of the EIA Working Group.
  • Foster and facilitate dialogue among Ocean EIA stakeholders during the meetings and outside the meetings to identify priorities and areas for action in the WOC Ocean EIA program.
  • Develop summary reports of the Ocean EIA WG meetings.
  • Develop draft strategy for the WOC Ocean EIA program.


Track 2 focuses on a Self-Identified Learning Project.


Interns will use Learning Marathon structure from award winning social enterprise Enrol Yourself, which is a peer-led, project-based learning accelerator.

  • Individual Project-Based: Each intern will identify a learning question that is of importance and significance to themselves on professional, personal or societal levels.
  • Peer Group: Interns will work as a peer group to share their work on each individual learning project. Peers provide diversity, multidisciplinary, safety, and critical thinking to the group.
  • Structure: Combining design thinking and coaching, the group go through 3 phases: Explore, Develop, and Showcase, with weekly group meetings and regular presentation days.


  • Interest and understanding of the WOC mission and programs.
  • Self-starter with the initiative to start projects, work unsupervised, complete tasks independently, solve roadblocks and address issues before they become problems.
  • Detail- and results-oriented style and ability to meet multiple deadlines by maintaining a high level of personal organization while working virtually and with limited direct supervision.
  • Strong interpersonal communication and coordination skills and ability to develop networks, build relationships and promote open communication and engagement of diverse parties.
  • Ability to constructively engage constituencies and personalities in a collaborative environment, i.e. professionals at all levels of authority within corporations, industry associations, government agencies, inter-governmental organizations, NGOs and research/academic institutions.
  • Exceptional organizational abilities; strong attention to detail and ability to multi-task with rigorous time management.
  • Ability to conceptualize, organize, plan and execute external and multi-disciplinary meetings and
  • Highly proficient in the use of Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel and PowerPoint).
  • Comfortable with different IT platforms and tools and/or able to use and adapt new tools to the work, such as Notion and Airtable.
  • Reliable internet connectivity.
  • Excellent written and oral communications skills in English.

Click Here to Apply: