The Oregon Climate Change Research Institute and Oregon Climate Service welcome inquiries from undergraduate and graduate students within or outside Oregon about internships (for credit or paid) related to climate science and its applications to natural and human systems. We also welcome inquiries related to placement via programs such as the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and the Arts (URSA) Engage Program at Oregon State University. Please contact Erica Fleishman (Director, OCCRI) or Larry O’Neill (Oregon State Climatologist) for more information.

Please contact us if you would like us to share job announcements via this website or social media. Decisions regarding posts rest with OCCRI and the Oregon Climate Service.

Outside opportunities

The Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) seeks four interns on the topics listed below. The positions are designed to give students the opportunity to gain practical experience working in a state agency. ODE’s internship program also matches students with mentors who will help guide their work. Undergraduate (post-first year) and graduate students are welcome to apply.

Data visualization: develop public-facing dashboards and visuals related to electric vehicles in Oregon

Electric school bus guidebook development: evaluate opportunities and challenges for school districts in Oregon that are considering whether to transition to electric school buses

Natural resources damage assessment: assess reports and data related to the future and transport of radioactive materials and other contaminants at the Hanford Nuclear Site

Renewable energy facility GIS mapping: review and develop a GIS-based map and website information on the locations and footprints of renewable energy facilities in Oregon