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Salary26 Weeks ($580.00/week =$15080.00)

The participant will work with the staff of the Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network (NCBN)
and will be located at the University of Rhode Island or work remotely. The participant will assist with the
development of science communication materials such as story maps, natural resource science informational documents, enhancement of a Flickr site, developing a photo library for the Network with existing photos, and development of content for the NCBN website, such as science stories. Other duties may include biological data entry, and development of park species lists. The intern will have the opportunity to enhance their science communication and writing skills related to meeting the mission of the National Park Service; to preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The intern will also learn about the operation of a long-term ecological monitoring program, monitoring protocols, and their application in coastal parks