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Salary- $1,100 per month with an additional living allowance

The Islands Conservation Corps, a program of the San Juan Islands Conservation District, is accepting applications to the 2022-23 Certificate in Ecological Restoration program in the San Juan Islands, offered in partnership with Western Washington University’s College of the Environment. This certificate combines academic coursework with hands-on fieldwork performing the fundamentals of ecological restoration. Working with regional land management agencies, students proactively address imminent threats to our environment through restoration, conservation, and adaptive management. Students will gain skills in ecological theory, conduct technical fieldwork, and collect and analyze field data using software such as ArcGIS and R studio. This certificate is for candidates seeking careers in conservation and land management practices, by providing accredited coursework, networking relationships, and exposure to potential employers. Graduates of the Ecological Restoration Certificate receive 10 credits towards a Master of Arts in Environmental Studies from WWU, and are eligible to apply for the MA program in the following year.

ICC enrollees participate in an average of 21 fieldwork hours per week, receiving an AmeriCorps payment of $1,100 per month and a $3,240 education award that can be applied to their coursework throughout the year. As the certificate courses are offered at a significant discount, students incur no out-of-pocket costs for 20 credits on their transcript. To take courses for credit, the program requires an associates degree or two years of college coursework completed. Students without two years of coursework are encouraged to apply and can audit the courses, receiving a non-accredited certificate at the end of the program.