We all rely on services provided by nature, often without realizing it or in ways we don’t fully recognize. Earth Economics identifies and quantifies those benefits to ensure they are included in the decision-making process at all levels, so communities can mitigate risk, increase resilience, and protect their natural capital wealth.

Earth Economics works to quantify and value the benefits nature provides. Our work drives effective decisions and systematic change through a combination of education, natural capital analysis, and policy recommendations.
We envision a future where communities, nature, and industry all thrive together.

Course of Study Pursuing a degree with a major in Economics, Sustainable Design, Environmental Science, or similar Term 3-6 months in length, 10-24 hours per week (flexible).
Location Tacoma, WA

Compensation Unpaid – intern will receive internship documentation, and Earth Economics will work with the intern to ensure requirements for academic credit are met. Washington State residents may be eligible for work- study through your university.

Apply Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, letter of reference, and writing sample to careers@eartheconomics.org


  • Economics, biology, environmental studies majors are encouraged to apply. Students with a passion for communications and who have a strong foundation in science will also be considered.

  • Proficiency in MS Office; spreadsheets, databases, word processing, and presentation graphics programs desired

  • Detail-oriented, self-motivated, reliable, and able to work independently

    Responsibilities may include:

    Tasks may include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducting research on valuation methods and gathering data to support Earth Economics’ projects and

    strategy. Subject areas may include recreation, agriculture, green infrastructure financing, and natural

    capital accounting.

  • Identifying and documenting ecosystem values from published academic environmental economics


  • Becoming familiar with strategies and methodologies of values-based messaging around scientific issues

    and complex socioeconomic realities.

  • Assisting with other tasks as needed.

    Our Commitment to Diversity We are committed to cultivating a workplace in which diverse perspectives and experiences are welcomed and respected. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political ideology, or membership in any other legally protected class. We are an Affirmative Action employer. We encourage individuals with diverse backgrounds to apply and desire priority referrals of protected veterans. If due to a disability you need assistance/and or a reasonable accommodation during the application or recruiting process, please send a request to careers@eartheconomics.org or by calling 253.539.4801