Washington Chapter of The Wildlife 

Society Research Grant Applications


The Research Grant provides funds up to $2500 per project! 

Deadline: December 31, 2023

Apply: Submit applications to the Grants Committee (grants@watws.org), Subject Line: ‘Research Grant Application’


Research Grant

The Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society provides grant funding for wildlife research projects in Washington State. Funding requests cannot exceed $2,500.  Student proposals are encouraged.  Proposals are reviewed by the WA-TWS Research Grants Committee and final funding decisions are made by the Board.  The deadline for submission of proposals is December 31st.  



To Apply:

  Application Materials:

    • 2-3 page proposal including: Introduction, Methods, Timetable, Budget, Expected Products
    • Curriculum Vitae of applicant(s)
    • Submit applications to the Grants Committee (grants@watws.org), Subject Line: ‘Research Grant Application’
    • Deadline is December 31st!

Selection Criteria:

    • Importance of the question
    • Adequacy of proposed methods to meet project objectives.
    • Likely success of achieving objectives given question, design, funding, and time period.
    • Management priority (e.g. T&E and sensitive species, important game species, etc.).
    • Publication potential
    • Researchers’ experience
    • Relative importance of the grant toward achieving research goals

If Chosen:

    • Grant recipients are expected to present results of their project at a future WA-TWS Annual Meeting and/or provide a write-up for the Chapter newsletter. 
    • Recipients also are expected to be (or become) members of WA-TWS at the time the funds are received.


Please contact the WA-TWS Grants Committee (grants@watws.org) for more info & questions.

The Washington Chapter of the Wildlife Society l Website