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The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is soliciting proposals for projects that voluntarily conserve, restore and improve habitat in the Intermountain West. The objective of the Rocky Mountain Rangelands Program (RMR) is to work in focal landscapes in the region to restore and conserve wildlife species associated with sagebrush, irrigated meadows and aquatic systems while conserving the phenomenon of large mammal migration. Competitive proposals submitted under this RFP will support voluntary strategic projects that accelerate and implement priority conservation practices as identified in the RMR business plan. The following practices will be given priority consideration during this funding cycle: 

  • Innovative and strategic management of annual invasive grasses in Idaho
  • Habitat enhancement through mesic area/wet meadow, sagebrush restoration and strategic conifer removal on Bureau of Land Management lands that may also include cross jurisdictional ownership
  • Projects that promote innovations in grazing management that result in sustainable livestock production and enhanced wildlife habitat
  • Promote the removal or modification fence or other anthropogenic obstructions that increase landscape permeability for wildlife. 
  • Projects in south-central Montana that achieve any of the above actions and may have an access component are encouraged to apply. 

Preference will be given to projects that accelerate adoption of the most cost effective and sustainable approaches that exhibit a high likelihood of success. The Rocky Mountain Rangelands Program will award approximately $2 million. Major private funding provided by Cargill, Darden Foundation and Altria, with federal funding from The Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and the Natural Resources Conservation Services.