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WNPS Conservation Grants

The Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) Conservation Committee is accepting grant applications for projects that will restore, improve, or support on-the-ground, native plant ecosystems in Washington.  Successful projects must provide public benefit and align with the WNPS Conservation Principles.

Proposals for grants up to $2000 will be considered. Partial funding may be offered at the discretion of WNPS. Funds are awarded based on our determination of which projects bring the most benefit to Washington’s native plants and native plant habitats. Preference may be given to students, first time recipient team projects, or chapters and organizations with limited financial resources. Underserved communities and geographic distribution will be considered.

Grant requests from WNPS members on behalf of WNPS chapters, organizations, or individual projects are eligible. Projects may be on public or private land.

Grant applications for 2022 will be accepted through March 1, 2022. Responses will be sent by April 1 to celebrate Washington State’s Native Plant Appreciation Month.

The Conservation Committee Budget for 2022 Grant Cycle is $6500. Thank you WNPS Endowment Fund Donors and WNPS State Board of Directors for your support of this program.

For Applicants:

  1. Application and Checklist – 2022
  2. Grant Application Example
  3. Conservation Principles

Questions? Please contact Becky as below.  Email Becky, with WNPS Conservation in the subject line.

Becky Chaney
Conservation Committee Chair

Proposals will be evaluated based on:

  • Support of the WNPS Mission and Conservation Principles
  • Quantity and quality of ecological benefit to be gained
  • Likelihood of long-term project success
  • Visit the WNPS Blog Story for more information – 2020 Conservation Grant Recipients

Preference may be given to students, first time recipient team projects, or chapters and organizations with limited financial resources.  If possible, grant awards will be distributed geographically across the state.

The grant payment for funded projects will be paid when the project is completed and a final report and all receipts are submitted.  The final report should be 300-500 words in length and include photo documentation suitable for publication in Douglasia and on the WNPS website.