Fellowships and Internships

CCL is a national nonprofit organization that builds grassroots support for climate legislation. I’m reaching out today to share some opportunities that may be of interest to your students and learn how we can better support your institution.

We are currently recruiting students and recent graduates to join our team as interns or fellows. We have opportunities with a variety of different departments that may appeal to students across many disciplines. These experiences provide valuable work experience, networking opportunities, and may include academic or financial benefits. You can learn more about our current openings on our website. The application deadline is October 1st, 2022

For students looking to deepen their learning outside of the classroom, we offer a free Climate Advocacy Certificate Program each semester. This provides valuable transferable skills in advocacy, climate science, and communication over the course of a 15-week remote course. Our fall program has just closed for registration, but the spring program page will be created soon for your students to register.

CCL is a growing organization and often has open positions that we advertise here. We also post climate related jobs from other organizations in our jobs forum.

Fellowships and internships with CCL are enriching learning experiences working with our expert staff and volunteer leaders. Our fellows and interns go onto top graduate schools and careers in environmental, political, or nonprofit fields. Fellowships are paid positions and internships are volunteer, with the exception of our legislative program (both internships and fellowships are paid). All work with CCL staff. Fellowships tend to go to students with more experience and education. Internships are usually 8 – 10 hours a week for a semester or 15 weeks.

Fellowships and internships at CCL are extremely competitive; last year we received over 500 applications for 20 positions. To increase your chances of acceptance and as an alternative, we strongly recommend that you participate in CCL’s Climate Advocacy Certificate Program the semester that you apply and also join CCL.

Applications for Spring 2023 (January 3 – May 15 [start and end dates flexible]) are now open! All positions are remote unless otherwise stated in the position description. Click on the title to read the job description and how to apply. More positions may be posted throughout the application period, so check back weekly for updates. Applications for summer internships will open in mid-December. The deadline for spring opportunities is October 1st.


Campus Organizing Interns (2 – 3 semesters)
Students selected to participate in this program will join CCL’s Climate Advocacy Certificate Program for 15 weeks and design and implement a climate campaign the following semester. Climate campaigns can be tailored to the interests of the intern. Potential projects include organizing a group to attend CCL’s lobby day, starting a CCL group at their school, getting the college president’s endorsement, collecting testimonials and writing op-eds for publication in local papers. Academic credit is possible in consultation with the intern’s academic advisor.

College Outreach Intern (Remote)
The mission of Citizens’ Climate Higher Education is to empower students, educators, and their allies to build political will for climate solutions. We assist volunteers with outreach, endorsements, creating campus chapters and more. As the College Outreach Intern, you will support these efforts throughout the semester by deepening our existing relationships with higher ed faculty/staff and helping us reach new institutions, with an eye for minority serving institutions, to better showcase the work college climate advocates are doing.

Conservative Outreach Intern (Remote)
The intern works to build a network of conservative and Republican young adults who are interested in climate policy by engaging with them on a regular basis. As the conservative outreach intern, you will help our Conservative team to develop and test different outreach methods to reach young Republicans. You will also help train young conservatives and Republicans to voice a constructive message for putting a price on carbon emissions.

Diversity and Inclusion or D&I Fellow (Remote, Seeking 2 Applicants)
The Inclusion Department has an opening for two Diversity & Inclusion Fellows interested in interacting with BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) volunteers who are interested in engaging in climate policy on a regular basis. As the Diversity & Inclusion Fellow, you will support our National Inclusion Team to develop and test different outreach methods to reach any community across the United States. You will also help support the Inclusion Department through presentations, workshops, and social media outreach. This is a yearly commitment available with a stipend. Please note that there is a different application process for this position; read the position description carefully to apply.

Latinos Engagement Fellow (Remote, Seeking 1 Applicant)
Inclusion Department has an opening for a Latinos Engagement Fellow interested in interacting and building relationships with Latino volunteers who engage in climate policy on a regular basis. As the Latinos Engagement Fellow, you will support our National Inclusion Team as it continues building political will for climate solutions in the Latino community across the United States. You will also help support the Inclusion Department through presentations, workshops and social media as well as become the support system for the Latinos Action Team. This is a yearly commitment available with a stipend. Please note that there is a different application process for this position; read the position description carefully to apply.


Citizens’ Climate Radio (Remote)
The intern will work closely with the producer of CCL’s podcast, Citizens’ Climate Radio, to complete and promote podcast episodes for our broad audience of listeners. You should expect to contribute primarily to post-production efforts, including music selection, producing transcripts, and creating promotional materials.

Communications Intern (Atlanta, GA / Remote)
This position supports CCL’s communications with its membership and the media. The intern will support the national CCL communications staff in writing regular posts for the CCL blog, publishing blogs using WordPress, proofreading major internal communications, managing social media accounts (mainly Instagram), pitching media. Reports to the CCL Communications Coordinator. Some work will be completed from home, and some completed in person on Fridays depending on current pandemic guidelines and intern’s location (specific hours are negotiable).

Education and Engagement Intern (Duluth, MN / Remote)
This intern will support CCL’s volunteer training and education programs. The intern will generate content for CCL Community, CCL’s volunteer learning portal, and handle elements of its management. This includes researching, pitching training ideas, writing regular outlines and Google slide designs for webinars, and learning CCL’s advocacy methodologies.


Legislative Interns & Fellows (Washington, D.C./ Remote)
This position supports CCL’s Government Affairs Department with advocacy and research. The intern or fellow will support the national government affairs staff in conducting climate policy research, attending and taking notes on congressional hearings and other relevant events, joining advocacy meetings with Congressional staff and other stakeholders, and providing administrative and outreach support. Fellowships will include a significant policy research and analysis component. Reports to the CCL Director of Government Affairs. This position is either in-person or remote (specific hours are negotiable).

Applications for Spring 2023 (January 3 to May 15 [start and end dates flexible]) are now open. Check back in mid-December for summer opportunities.

Please join CCL and volunteer with your local chapter if you’re ready to get a taste for what we do. Other ways to work with CCL include joining the Campus Leaders Program or Climate Advocacy Certificate Program.

For questions or support about internships, please contact highered@citizensclimatelobby.org.