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Research ProjectThe USDA Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest (PNW) Research Station has a fellowship opportunity focused on data stewardship and stakeholder engagement around assisted migration. The fellow will collaborate with an interdisciplinary team researching strategies to integrate assisted migration during reforestation activities. The team includes researchers in silviculture and genetics that are housed both within the PNW Station and the Pacific Southwest Research Station. In collaboration with the team, the Fellow will assist in the development and initiation of a new experimental network focused on evaluation of assisted population migration and the use of novel silvicultural practices to increase reforestation success. The network is planned to span a large geographic range from northern CA to southern AK and encompass all land ownerships.

Under the guidance of a mentor, the research of the Fellow is organized around three primary objectives, which are:

  • Coordinate and facilitate engagement and planning with project partners, and develop frameworks that will promote information sharing between managers and researchers,
  • Develop and maintain web interfaces, databases, and data visualization tools for use by researchers and land management organization partners, and
  • Assist with field and lab measurements for ongoing experiments related to assisted migration and climate adaptation.

The Fellow will also have an opportunity to develop or participate in new avenues of research or other interests related to natural resource management. 

Learning ObjectivesThis appointment provides an opportunity to:

  • Understand and facilitate interactions at the intersection between science and land management. The Fellow will have a tremendous opportunity to engage with a large and diverse group of stakeholders including the USDA National Forest System, the Bureau of Land Management, state natural resource agencies, tribal entities, and forest industry.
  • Learn about assisted migration and natural resource management issues in the Western United States while helping to develop networks and tools that will facilitate implementation of strategies to increase reforestation success and future climate resilience.
  • Enhance collaborative skills as a member of a scientific team through development of questions, data collection, planning and organization, and implementation of experimental treatments.
  • Gain first-hand knowledge of Forest Service Research & Development science and National Forest System management.
  • Understand and facilitate interactions at the intersection between science and land management.