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About the Fellowship
The Salish Sea Institute at Western Washington University is launching a Fellows Program to invite applications from scholars and others with expertise in Salish Sea issues to contribute to transboundary Salish Sea policy research. Fellows will highlight current challenges and opportunities for managing and protecting a complex multinational ecosystem. For fellowship projects that specifically address Canada-US border policy and research themes, our partner, the WWU Border Policy Research Institute, will be involved in project review, oversight, support, and co-sponsorship.

Applications are due March 31, 2022, 23:59 PST.

As documented in the State of the Salish Sea report released by the Institute in 2021 (, effects of regional urbanization and global climate change are creating unrelenting stress on the Salish Sea ecosystem. The governance and management complexity of the region creates myriad difficulties and potential solutions for addressing these stresses and working toward ecosystem health and recovery. Between the State of Washington, the Province of British Columbia, the federal governments of Canada and the United States, and over 60 sovereign Indigenous nations, there are numerous environmental laws and protection arrangements in effect and emerging in the region. (are the First Nations in BC all sovereign nations?)

The international border creates separate governance and management systems, separate research and monitoring programs, incompatible data and a myriad of other obstacles that prevent holistic management and scientific assessment. We are interested in documenting the consequences of the border as a barrier to ecosystem management.

We are seeking fellows who propose research that addresses one or more of the following questions (all should have Salish Sea focus):

-How do environmental governance systems on different sides of the Canada-US border specifically affect ecosystem-wide environmental health and protection?

-How do different environmental policies and regulations in British Columbia, Washington, and/or with Indigenous nations compare and contrast (e.g., fish farms, orca protection, underwater noise regulations)? What are the most significant implications, including unintended consequences, of different regulatory schemes?

-How are Salish Sea research and monitoring projects affected by funding geographies, jurisdictional authority, border security or science priorities in the region?

-How does the Canada-US border and/or co-management with Indigenous nations shape different regimes of ecosystem management and research?

-How are emergencies, crises, and disasters managed in transboundary environments, at the prevention, response, and recovery stages?

-What useful models exist for ecosystem-wide governance and management that could be utilized for a Salish Sea governance structure (e.g. joint agreements, pilot initiatives, transboundary governance structures, ecosystem-wide monitoring efforts, data sharing and harmonization projects)? What can we learn from those models that would be of use with the current structures?

-What would be a feasible strategy to create a Salish Sea Science Panel? How might a multinational Salish Sea science panel (as called for in the State of the Salish Sea report) function? What are some useful global models that could inform the development of a Salish Sea science panel?

-What are the most important messages to achieve more widespread understanding of the Salish Sea as one connected ecosystem, and how should they be delivered?

-What are the needs and opportunities for data and science harmonization in the Salish Sea region to advance climate policy and governance in shared waters?

-How can we generate bold solutions and hope for the future of the Salish Sea?

We welcome applicants from a variety of backgrounds including: visiting professors, postdoctoral researchers, and advanced PhD candidates, knowledge holders, as well as public agency and tribal/First Nation government employees, non-profit representatives, investigative journalists, and members of civil society.

Preference will be given to applicants who have experience working on transboundary issues in the Salish Sea region and with a variety of knowledge mobilization tactics including data visualization, infographic creation, and/or the production of policy documents.

-Meet regularly with Salish Sea Institute faculty, staff, and networks

-Write a policy brief or develop other policy-relevant materials on your research, to be published by the Salish Sea Institute

-Develop an educational tool to share with students and the Salish Sea public about issues addressed in your research

-Host at least one transboundary webinar or workshop on the theme of your research

-Acknowledge the Salish Sea Institute in any published work or presentation resulting from fellowship research

-Small grants (average grant will be $3,000-5,000 and proposals up to $20,000 will be considered); funds may be used for researcher stipends, student research support, regional travel, supplies and equipment, or other relevant costs

-Support for sharing research via the Salish Sea Institute’s established platforms, including a Salish Sea-wide mailing list, Western Washington University communications outlets, open-access library repository, and social media

-University privileges, including office space and library access at Western Washington University, if desired

-Connections with cohort of Salish Sea Fellows, including at least one Fellows gathering

-Opportunities for networking and exchange through sponsored participation in events and programming across the Salish Sea during fellowship period

Application Instructions
Please use this form to submit your application. Applications are due March 31, 2022, 23:59 PST.

Applications will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary and international review committee. The committee will make the final selection based on the merit and experience of the applicant, view of the referees, and the applicant’s record of relevant skills and experience. Applicants will be notified of their selection status by mid-April 2022. The fellowship period will commence between April to December 2022.

If you have questions about the fellowship or submission process, please email