For more information, please follow this link:


For this application you will need:

A resume

A letter of reference from a professor

A written proposal detailing the issue you care about, the project you are proposing to address it, and how it relates to the broad efforts of the RCC and the environmental movement. No longer than three pages, please.

A writing sample from your previous academic or extracurricular work.

Successful RCC Fellowship applicants will demonstrate:

Passion for environmental education, organizing or advocacy and that they have identified an issue they wish to work on.

Strong academic performance with an emphasis on the environment in various disciplines or majors.

Outstanding writing and research.

Participation and leadership in campus environmental or related justice activities.

Initiative and the capacity to perform creative problem solving and deal with uncertainty.

Appreciation for the mission, goals and issues of the Rachel Carson Council and Rachel Carson’s legacy.


Fellows will receive:

  • A $2,000 stipend over the fellowship term
  • National recognition as a RCC Fellow
  • Experience in professional writing and opportunities to publish
  • Training and mentorship from environmental professionals on the RCC staff
  • Professional experience organizing and working for a national environmental non-profit
  • Training in advocacy, organizing, and writing as well as mentorship under RCC staff
  • Participation in the RCC American Environmental Leadership Institute
  • Access to the RCC National Advisory Council and RCC Alumni Network