About the Event

This is the first virtual conference for the Northwest GIS User Group. A live, in-person event was not feasible this year given the current health climate so we are establishing a new landscape for us to connect with, learn from, and inspire each other. GIS has always been an industry of innovators.  We foster change every day. We struggle, we learn, and we share our failures and successes. We invite you to join us.

What to Expect

We are leveraging Whova, a web/mobile based event platform, as our virtual environment. Through Whova you will be able to connect with presenters, vendors, and other attendees. Information on how to use Whova will be posted to the website. See conference success strategies for more details. We are working to provide a mix of live events, recorded events, vendor exhibits, and an assortment of ways to engage with each other. Registrants will receive information on special activities and events as the conference takes shape.  The event daily schedule will be aligned to best accommodate the Pacific and Mountain time zones. A detailed schedule will be posted when it becomes available. Below is a high level overview.

Mon, Oct 12 (Plenary Sessions) – We will have our welcome address, keynote presenter and major presentations. Some portions will be live stream, others may be pre-recorded.

Tue, Oct 13 (General Session) – We will have several tracks with assorted presentations starting every 1/2 hour. We will schedule in breaks and lunch hours. Sessions will be recorded and available to all attendees once they premiere. You will bet able to leverage chat functions to ask presenters questions.

Wed, Oct 14 – Fri, Oct 16 (Workshops) – We will advertise available instructor led workshops being conducted in partnership with the conference. Workshops will be run independently by the instructors. More details as workshops become available.

Registration Costs:

Member – $20

Non-member – $35

Student – $10

Vendor Virtual Booth – $350

Call to Action: Review the Call To Action terms/conditions associated with the conference opportunities listed below.

Workshops : A wide variety of quality educational opportunities.

Presentations: Would you like to be a presenter for the general session?

Vendors : Does you agency want to have a virtual booth at our conference?

Maps ‘n Apps: Do you have a GIS web application, story map, or digital media you are willing to put toe-to-toe with your peers? Prizes for students and professionals.

Register here: https://nwgis.org/event-3774611