About the 2021 Program July 5-16


Since March 2020, the idea of staying within one’s “bubble” has been a necessary part of daily life. But bubbles are not new, and individuals have been in “bubbles” their whole lives. Some are elected, such as political or ideological affiliations, and some are assigned due to race or gender. We can move freely between some bubbles, and sometimes we can exist in two bubbles simultaneously.

Bubbles. Silos. Ecosystems. Depending on one’s frameworks, and whether we consider the micro or the macro levels, perspectives gained can be focused or broad, restrictive, or all-encompassing. So when we talk about “energy” and “environment” and “climate change,” what do we include and exclude in our individual and collective definitions, our “bubbles”? And what do we not know (that we don’t know) that would impact our personal opinions and collective choices?

In SISE 2021: Finding Ecosystem, we will consider the broad ecosystem of energy, how that fits into the response to climate change, and how a broad strategy inclusive of science, culture, and environmental justice can be catalysts for creating change. Selected Fellows will be asked to hone their critical thinking skills throughout as they engage experts and each other through rigorous discussion and debate.

Join us in 2021

You can join us as a Fellow, receiving special access to our speakers, our network of current Fellows and alumni, or as a spectator through social media. Here’s how:

Participate as a Fellow

Fellows join us for the full two-week program, receiving backstage access to speakers and panelists, and enjoying some private programming not available to the public. Applications are due June 1. For more info on how to become a SISE Fellow, head here: https://uicsise.com/qanda https://uicsise.com/2021application