Return to Evergreen… virtually!

Join us from the comfort of your own home for a virtual Return to Evergreen Alumni Weekend that will connect alumni across the country and around the globe. COVID-19 may have altered our plans to celebrate in person, but it has not diminished the Evergreen tradition of life-long learning and the inventive Greener spirit that inspires alumni to reimagine our ever- changing world.

Saturday, October 17, 2020 | 1:00-5:00pm PDT Free admission | Pre-event registration required

Register by October 15!

Attendees will receive login instructions via email.

You’ll enjoy an exciting program featuring alumni tackling some of the biggest challenges of our time while connecting with Greeners near and far.

Event Schedule

Saturday, October 17, 2020 | 1:00-5:00pm PDT

12:45-1:00pm Attendee Login, attendees will receive login instructions via email.

1:00-1:30pm Welcome and Presentation of the Joseph Albert Dear Distinguished Alumni Award

We’ll kick off the event with a celebratory welcome including hearing from the 2020 Joseph Albert Dear Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, Cheryl Strange ’88, Secretary of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.

 1:30-2:30pm Breakout Sessions

Choose a dynamic breakout session featuring alumni and faculty approaching problems through a lens of racial justice and equity. Attendees can choose to attend one of two available sessions, engaging in a live format.

Public Health in the Pandemic: Solutions for Equity – Learn from alumni public health leaders about their response to the disruption brought by COVID-19. Moderated by Faculty Emerita Dr. Cheryl Simrell King.

Art in a Time of Resistance and Change – Discover how artists use their voices in times of crisis and resistance to lead change, heal communities, and envision a better world for all. Moderated by Dr. Gilda Sheppard, Member of the Faculty.

2:30-3:00pm Break

Grab a snack or continue your learning with insights from Evergreen’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows with SURF on-demand lighting talks.

3:00-4:00pm Breakout Sessions

Choose to attend one of two available sessions, engaging in a live format.

Climate Justice Solutions – Hear from alumni addressing climate justice head-on through mitigation and adaptation solutions including conservation, policy design, and creative partnerships. Moderated by Dr. Shangrila Joshi, Member of the Faculty.

Critical Thinkers Combating Disinformation – Learn from creative alumni combatting disinformation that flows at lightning speed across the globe. Moderated by Dr. Greg Mullins, Dean of the Library.

4:00-5:00pm Open Social Forums

Join fellow Greeners for facilitated small group conversations. Attendees will be able to share their video in these forums.

Register here

Visit to learn more about the event, guest speakers and more.

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