Making 2021 the Year We Break Fossil Fuel Addiction

January 19, 2021

The Covid-19 crisis collapsed demand for energy, with oil prices falling to an astonishing -$37.63 per barrel in late April. But as the world looks toward recovery, can this shock be seized to break the global addiction to fossil fuels, or will the “new normal” end up looking much like the old one? How can we accelerate the rise in renewables to meet urgent global demand throughout the recovery? How will businesses with global operations adapt to support this transformation? And could a green recovery provide the necessary boost to strengthen commitment to the climate goals, which the world so badly needs?


  • Moderator: Ivan Penn, Energy Correspondent, The New York Times
  • Nigel Topping, UK High-Level Climate Action Champion for COP26
  • Kingsmill Bond, Energy Strategist, Carbon Tracker
  • Mary Anne Hitt, National Director of Campaigns, Sierra Club
  • Salvatore Bernabei, C.E.O., Enel Green Power
  • David Hardy, C.E.O. of Offshore North America, Orsted
  • Jessica O. Matthews, Founder and C.E.O., Uncharted Power
  • Meredith Adler, Executive Director, Student Energy

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