October 17-23, 2021

The 2021 summit will be a statewide, virtual event supplemented by regional, in-person outdoor stewardship events, in-field learning opportunities, and outdoor networking happy hours (as public health guidance allows).

The 2021 summit will bring together Oregon’s outdoor community to learn, build relationships, and find solutions to the challenges we face in developing and elevating outdoor recreation opportunities to best serve Oregon communities and celebrate and protect our natural, cultural, and historic wonders. The Summit seeks to accelerate efforts to:

  • successfully tackle the issues of the day like sustainable and equitable recovery from wildfires and COVID

  • connect Oregonians of all backgrounds and abilities to the outdoors and increase health equity

  • build a culture of environmental and cultural stewardship and healthy recreation

  • provide an off-street network for recreating and traveling within and between Oregon communities

2021 Summit Preliminary Schedule:

(Please note: Captioning and/or ASL interpreters available for virtual sessions upon request.)

Sunday, Oct. 17: Local stewardship events and/or in-field learning events aimed at volunteers throughout the state

Monday, October 18:

Morning: Possible local field learning, tours, or mobile workshops

2:00-3:30 p.m.: Opening Plenary

4:00-5:15p.m.: 50th Anniversary of Oregon Recreational Trails System Act Celebration: Awards and Project Updates

Tuesday, Oct. 19:

9-10:30 a.m.; 10:45-12:15 p.m.: Breakout Sessions

1:30-3:00 p.m.; 3:30-5:00 p.m.: Plenary Sessions

Wednesday, Oct. 20:

9:00-12:00 p.m. Breakout sessions (length flexible: 60 min- 2.5 hours)

7:00-9:00 p.m.: Virtual Outdoor Film Night

Wednesday, Oct. 20-Friday Oct. 22: Possible local field tours, in-field trainings, and outdoor happy hours. Possible extended virtual training sessions.

Saturday, Oct. 23: Possible stewardship events and/or in-field learning events aimed at volunteers throughout the state

More Info: https://www.oregontrailscoalition.org/summit

Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit 2021 Call for Proposals

The Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit Planning Committee is accepting session proposals for the 2021 Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit in partnership with the Oregon Trails Summit. The primary Summit program is planned for the afternoon of Monday, October 18th through Tuesday, October 19th and will be held virtually, but we are also welcoming proposals for longer-form virtual workshops and field trips, tours, and in-field trainings to take place around the state Sunday, October 17th-Saturday, October 23rd.

Call for Proposals open through June 4, 2021

We welcome and encourage proposals from the full diversity of our Oregon outdoor recreation community:
-from agency staff, volunteers, academics, and private sector professionals,
-from urban trails to wilderness, from motorized and non-motorized perspectives, hunters and anglers, and land and water recreation-related topics,
-from all cultural backgrounds, and from all corners of Oregon and those with lessons to share from beyond our state’s borders.

All proposals should have clear educational objectives or learning outcomes.

We particularly encourage proposals that delve into an aspect of our key theme for 2021: ensuring outdoor recreation-related recovery brings us all to a better place: more equitable, more sustainable, and stronger than ever. This theme encompasses building powerful connections across sectors and communities and inspiring effective action toward shared goals.

This RFP has four sections.

Section 1: Basic proposer contact and presenter bio information.

Section 2: Proposals for full, stand-alone virtual workshops, roundtables, and presentations.
Most full sessions during the primary Summit will be 50-75 minutes in length, but proposals for longer form workshops are welcome as well, and may be offered later in the Summit programming week. You may also submit a shorter proposal (10-20 minutes) to be paired with others of a related topic. We especially welcome interactive and experiential learning opportunities and unique approaches to sharing information. Please consider how you can share your topic creatively and effectively in a virtual programming format.

Section 3: Proposals for short (10-20 minute) case studies and round table participants for specific virtual session topics identified by the planning committee.

Section 4: Proposals for tours, in-field learning, and stewardship opportunities around the state to take place between Sunday, October 17th, and Saturday, October 23rd. If you’d like to host a local, outdoor networking opportunity during the Summit, please contact Steph Noll.

Please submit a separate proposal for each session you’re proposing.

Questions: Contact Steph Noll, 503-290-4569; steph.noll@oregontrailscoalition.org