We are pleased to offer our 8th-annual Conservation Teaching & Learning Studio in a virtual format. Through interactive online meetings and assignments over the course of 4 weeks, we are offering an opportunity for educators to learn about effective tools and approaches from facilitators and peers, discuss challenges, and create plans to apply these techniques to their own teaching. The 2021 Studio will cover the basics of active learning and evidence-based teaching, with a focus on online teaching, but we will adjust the Studio theme based on the priorities of the selected applicants. Expected Studio size: < 30 participants; weekly dedication: ~ 3 hours.

Studio Timeline: 1 synchronous session a week on Wednesdays (2 hours), and associated small assignments, over 4 weeks in June 2021. Specific times will be determined based on participant availability.

Application deadline: Friday, April 30th, 2021 at 5:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

How to apply: Educators of undergraduate or adult students are encouraged to apply online. The application is a brief form (below) including questions about your teaching experience and interest in our Studio. Participants will be selected based on their interest in the event, their teaching or research focus, and possibly their career stage to ensure a balanced Studio event.

Apply Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYV77BByMwatNRqZlUEa_aVgCatnzGzQHgPrwgKyBqipQwqQ/viewform

Additional considerations: The registration fee is $60. Limited registration fee waivers will be available based on need.

Questions? Please contact NCEP at ncep@amnh.org.