Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran (FPIK Unpad), Bandung-Indonesia delighted to announce with you information about our Virtual International Summer Program 2021. This event is a collaboration organized by Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Indonesia, Master Program in Tourism, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Indonesia,  Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand and University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Malaysia. The program welcomes international students from partner universities in the world and beyond from a variety of fields and backgrounds who are interested in marine tourism, also virtual trips and diving. This program will include various exciting subjects concentrated on marine tourism. Therefore, the theme of our summer course program is Marine Tourism and Coastal Vulnerability: Prediction, Assessment, and Adaptation, which will be held from 30 August to 17 September 2021.

Website Information https://fpik.unpad.ac.id/summer-program-2021/  

Registration Link https://bit.ly/reg_sp21

Please contact us for any additional information required to international.fpik@unpad.ac.id and cc’d to fpik@unpad.ac.id 

Come and join us to our Virtual International Summer Program 2021 with the theme Marine Tourism and Coastal Vulnerability: PredictionAssessment, and Adaptation. In two weeks, this Virtual International Summer Program will be filled with several interesting topics totaling 2 credits with an additional 1 credit if you take a Virtual Trip, a total of sixteen (16) working days from August 30th, 2021 to September 17th, 2021. This Virtual International Summer Program is open to all students from different disciplines and backgrounds and also who are interested in acquiring in-depth knowledge and advanced understanding of marine tourism which nowadays has surfaced as a pressing topic in the field of ocean and coastal management, especially in West Java marine tourism and coastal region.

Marine tourism and coastal management are one way of utilizing and preserving coastal resources and ecosystems. The diversity possessed by coastal ecosystems, making it a source of life for coastal communities. Without knowing how to protect the environment, it can threaten the diversity and function of the coast to make its condition vulnerable. In this multi-disciplinary program, participants will learn about integrated marine conservation and coastal management, bioeconomic modeling approach, mariculture, ecotourism and mitigation, the impact of climate and environmental change, culinary, as well as health, safety, and security in marine tourism and coastal management. Due to pandemic COVID 19, the field trips will be held virtually to the famous marine tourism places located in West Java. While the students can not physically see the view of the beach, traditional ambiance, and natural biodiversity up close, a digital tour allows for more intimate behind-the-scenes access.


Main Topics:

  1. Marine Tourism and Wildlife
  2. Bio-economic Modelling Approach and Socio-economics for Marine Sustainable Management
  3. Integrated Marine Conservation and Coastal Management
  4. Mariculture Tourism
  5. Ecotourism and Mitigation
  6. Impact of Marine Tourism: Climate and Environmental Change
  7. Culinary Tourism: From Sea to Tummy
  8. Innovative Bussiness and Administration in Marine Tourism Industry

Side Topics:

  1. Marine Ecology
  2. Marine Biology & Biotechnology
  3. Genetic Enhancement of Aquatic Biodiversity

Virtual Field Trips:

  1. Batu Karas and Pangandaran, West Java
  2. Pulau Biawak, West Java
  3. Virtual Diving

Document Requirement

  1. Curriculum Vitae*
  2. Transcript Report*
  3. Recommendation Letter*
  4. Motivation Letter*
  5. Scan Student ID Card/ Passport
  6. passport photo (4×6)

*) In English

Registration Online: July 26th – August 13th, 2021

Terms and Conditions

  1. Indonesian and International Undergraduate and Post graduate students
  2. International students resident in Indonesia
  3. Already install Zoom Meeting

Program Fee

  • For Indonesian students Rp 250.000,-
  • For Non-Indonesian students 50 USD
  • Pay through the Virtual Account: BNI Jatinangor Branch, Indonesia
    • Account number : 9882340523000001
    • Name of account : KS FPIK UNPAD
    • Swift Code : BNINIDJA
  • Deadline Payment on August 16th, 2021