For more information, please follow this link:

The set-up of suitable infra-structures which may  support efforts to

integrate sustainability initiatives within higher education

institutions, usually called “Green Offices” has proven to be a sound

procedure. See for instance:


No matter how they are formally called (Green Offices, Offices of

Sustainability or Office of Sustainability Services), they provide an

invaluable assistance towards ensuring that matters related to

sustainable development at universities are not only pursued

systematically, but also in a continuous way. But even though Green

Offices are important tools to better integrate sustainability as part

of university operations, there is a paucity of specialist events where

their activities may be discussed in an integrated way.


Based on this need, the World Symposium on Green Offices (WSGO 2022) is

being organised by the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and

Manchester Metropolitan University, under the auspicies of the

European School of Sustainability Science and Research, and the Inter-University Sustainable Development

Research Programme


The World Symposium on Green Offices (WSGO) will be held as an online

event from 09.00 to 16.00 on Wednesday,  7th December 2022. This will

take place in parallel to the “World Sustainable Development Teach-In

Day” 2022.


The event will run from 10:00 to 16:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)  In order to cater for the participation of

delegates from the various geographical regions, and time zones, the

first set of presentations will be made by colleagues working  in the

Asia and Pacific Region, then Africa and Middle East, followed by 

Europe and, finally,  the Americas.


Expressions of interest to contribute to the event, initially consisting

of a 300 words abstract describing the planned paper and with the full

contact details of the authors, may be submitted to the IUSDRP team at: 



The deadlines are as follows:


Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 30th April 2022

Deadline for the submissions of papers: 30th September 2022


Accepted papers will be published in the book “Supporting the

Integration of Sustainability Initiatives in Higher Education: the role

of Green Offices”.  The book will be published as part of the “World

Sustainable Development Series”

with Springer which, with 34 books published to date and with

contributions from over 800 authors from 60 countries, is the world´s

leading peer-reviewed book series on sustainable development. Further

details will be shared with the authors of the accepted contributions.


The Organising Team