Call for Papers for a New Book: Sustainable and Personal Urban Mobility-

Pluridisciplinary Perspectives on Personal Mobility in the Urban Landscape: Legal, Ethical, Sociological, Medical, and Economic
This highly interdisciplinary book will gather information on scholarly thinking, research projects, case studies and other initiatives which may showcase how sustainability and urban mobility may be integrated. Encompassing aspects of general sustainability, but also legal aspects, ethical components and sociological, health and economic considerations on personal mobility in the shared urban landscape, the book will amass a comprehensive body of information and expertise, providing a unique contribution to the literature on the topic. As such, it will be a timely resource for policy makers, academia, universities, and for the concerned citizen trying to make sense of the rapid changes in the urban environment, and to foresee what the near future will bring.
The contributions can cover a wide spectrum of topics, approaches, and methodologies. Case studies in various cities on the challenges encountered by the transition to green mobility; legal analyses involving the allocation of costs and benefits in the process of transition to new urban mobility paradigms; medical or economic discussions from accident, risk and insurance perspectives; sociological examinations of the role reserved to the pedestrian on a footpath increasingly used by electric micro-mobility devices; or ethical and social justice debates over the access of the poor to the new types of personal mobility devices are just a few examples of acceptable topics and approaches.
The book will be published by Springer, one of the top 5 scientific publishers, as part of the award-winning World Sustainability Series which is the leading peer reviewed book series on matters related to sustainable development. Publications in this book series officially count for promotion and tenure purposes, and over 2.000 authors have had the opportunity to promote and disseminate their work as part of this well-established and high impact book series.
Expressions of interest to contribute to the book, consisting of a 500 words extended abstract introducing the topic, approach and methodology, and providing the author(s) contact details, should be sent to:, preferably by 10th July 2021. Full papers are due by 10th October 2021. The chapters in final form should be between 4,000 – 7,000 words including references.
Further details will be added with the authors whose papers have been accepted.