The name Cascadia calls to mind forests, mountains, water, vast open spaces, cities and towns and diverse cultural landscapes. But the daily reality for most of us is somewhat different. Yes, there are forests, waterways, urban centers and varied neighborhoods in the region, but there are also miles and miles of very similar commercial strip development, connecting towns along highways and hugging urban edges. 

Strips fulfill necessary commercial functions; we all rely on them to some extent and they are where many small businesses begin and thrive.They are the logical products of the automotive way of life, transportation infrastructure, real estate finance, tax codes, retail economics and local land use regulations. Yet, many people will agree that strips leave something to be desired in function and aesthetics. Furthermore, commercial strips in this region also aren’t much different physically and visually than their counterparts elsewhere in the country.

Challenge Statement:

How should commercial strip developments in the region evolve? 

How can such developments also adapt to emerging energy, climate, economic, demographic and cultural trends?

What might the strip look like in the foreseeable future? Strip development is already changing in response to economic trends favoring online retail, not to mention the pandemic. A few such examples include: food delivery and pickup designations in parking areas, parcel pickup depots and EV charging stations. What else might we anticipate or hope for?

Finally, what might make commercial strips more uniquely Cascadian?  

Judging Criteria:

We’re hoping to see more than street beautification schemes, although these are important additions to many developments. We’re also keeping the definition of Cascadia general to encourage entries that reflect personal interpretations of the term. You are free to use an existing strip development to illustrate your thoughts or to reimagine the strip as an archetype. These are factors that judges will consider:

  • Innovation; What problems does the entry solve in a unique way and what trends does it anticipate and embrace?

  • Practicality;  How does the entry respond to the realities of real estate, finance, land use regulation, construction, etc. This isn’t an absolute requirement but if your approach has a path to realization it will be more interesting.

  • Topicality; Does the entry embrace the idea of Cascadia as a unique place, physically and culturally, distinguishing it from other regions in the country? Entrants don’t need to be residents of the Cascadia Region but entries should respond to unique qualities of the Region.

  • Humor; What is fun about the approach?

Submittal Formats:

You may submit 2 files and a short description using the form below. The first can be a document, such as a .docx, .xlsx, .ppt or .pdf file. The second can be an image file of no more than 15MB. If you wish to submit video or audio please provide links to these files in the text box of your submittal, along with any summary description.

You don’t need to be a professional designer or real estate professional to enter. The competition is open for everyone’s ideas. Entries needn’t be drawings but if written or other media should be concise and entertaining for non specialist readers. For example, an entry formatted as an amusing and informative cartoon about real estate finance and policy could be highly effective.

Deadline and Awards Calendar:

Entries must be received no later than 5pm Pacific Time on June 30, 2021. Awards will be announced July 31, 2021.


First Prize: $2500

Second Prize: $1500

Third Prize: $1000

The Fine Print:

By posting an entry:

  • you attest to the originality of your work and own the rights to images and other media used.

  • you own your work but you allow Cascadia Sandbox to publish winning entires and honorable mentions at our discretion here on the website and to promote it with credit attributed to you elsewhere.

  • You may submit only one entry for each competition; we trust you not to submit multiple times using aliases.

Decisions of the judges are final.

This competition is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.

Awards payments in USD will be made via a digital payment service.


Judges include designers, artists, real estate and urban policy professionals; all with an abiding love of the Region.

​Enter Here:

*Note; Sandbox is a term used in the software development industry to indicate a location where prototyped code can be tested safely. Similarly, the Cascadia Sandbox has been conceived as a non commercial platform to explore innovative ideas about the region that may not yet be fully formed.