Human dimensions of Yellowstone cutthroat trout conservation on the South Fork Snake River

*Priority review date is January 15, 2023.

DescriptionIn collaboration with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), an initial 2-year research assistantship is available to work with Dr. Kenneth Wallen and IDFG to earn a Ph.D. in Natural Resources at the University of Idaho.The position is part of an IDFG-funded project to identify facilitators and barriers to angler participation in native Yellowstone cutthroat trout conservation and non-native rainbow trout suppression on the South Fork Snake River, Idaho. The project will use mixed methods and participatory approaches to increase angler participation in conservation efforts, codevelop regional monitoring practices, and pilot program evaluation protocols.Subsequent funding will consist of teaching or research assistantships, as available; the student will also work with faculty to apply for additional funding and fellowships. Target start date is May or June 2023.QUALIFICATIONS

  • Master’s degree in a relevant social sciences or natural resources (environmental) social sciences field:
    • PREFERRED: Qualitative research methods such as interviews, focus groups, and/or participatory workshops, and associated qualitative data analysis.
    • ACCEPTABLE: Quantitative research methods such as survey research, experimental research, and/or econometrics, and associated statistical analysis.
  • Candidate should want to pursue a social sciences-focused Ph.D. that applies mixed methods to natural resources management.
  • Experience with theoretical and methodological approaches from psychology, sociology, behavioral economics, and/or organizational management; alternatively, experience with program evaluation, implementation science, and/or professional facilitation, including data collection and analysis.
  • Interest in working directly with state agencies and resource users in the Intermountain West, particularly in the context of fisheries management and/or affected publics (stakeholder) engagement.
  • Interest in addressing issues from a pragmatic management-oriented perspectives (e.g., the human dimensions of fisheries management).
  • English language proficiency


  1. First, review Dr. Wallen’s prospective student statement at
  2. Next, send (1) cover letter, (2) CV, (3) graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and (4) names and contact information for 2-3 references in one PDF file to