Watershed Modeling on December 12 from 9 – 11 AM PT | The PSEMP Modeling Work Group and Puget Sound Institute are excited to co-host a Watershed Modeling workshop. The PSEMP Modeling Work Group hosts 1-3 thematic modeling workshops annually. Join a technical discussion about watershed models, regional decision support tools, and additional model linkages that support considering future scenarios like climate change. We are presently finalizing the agenda and will share it when it is ready. For now, please hold the date!

Register: https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrdOGprTkiHNYz_jtmbQLduyqRIKK59tzq. 

Scientific workshops

We are facilitating scientific workshops for utilities, environmental community-based organizations, scientists, agencies, and the Tribes to explore and address some of the technical uncertainties related to nutrient management and water quality. These workshops build on previous discussions such as Ecology’s Nutrient Forum and on the uncertainties in the forthcoming Marine Water Quality Implementation Strategy to dig deeper into identified challenges such as the interannual variability of ocean influences on the Salish Sea.

We are collaborating with regional experts to refine additional workshops later this year on specific technical uncertainties. We appreciate how generous numerous monitoring experts, modelers, managers, and researchers have been with their time as we collaborate on designing the workshops. Good science benefits from robust discussion and a range of perspectives, so we look forward to engaging with more experts and are happy to connect individually. Starting in September,  we plan to dig into some technical uncertainties further, outlined in the accordions below.

If you have ideas on how our region can start to address these technical uncertainties, we’d love to connect! Please also feel free to share relevant papers, monitoring data, or experts that you think would be helpful. In particular, we recognize we need to more effectively engage and build relationships with environmental community-based organizations, Tribes, as well as scientists in British Columbia.

Email Stefano (mazzilli@uw.edu) and Marielle (marlars@uw.edu).