2023 Temporary Job Opportunities

Apply on USAJobs https://www.usajobs.gov/ September 29 – October 6, 2022 

About the Forest

The Salmon-Challis National Forest will soon be advertising numerous temporary jobs for the 2023 field season. A variety of positions will be available in archaeology, fisheries, hydrology, invasive plants, range, timber, and silviculture, developed recreation, rivers, wilderness, and trails. The number and types of positions to be filled will depend on staffing needs and funding. Job announcement information will be available soon. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact hiring managers (position contacts) for announcement number and position information. Guidelines for applying for positions in USAJobs is included in this outreach announcement.

The Salmon-Challis National Forest covers over 4.3 million acres in east- central Idaho. The Forest is bordered by the Bitterroot Range of the north- central Rockies on the east, and to the west by over 1.3 million acres of the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness. Rugged and remote, this country offers adventure, solitude, and breathtaking scenery. The Forest also

contains Mt. Borah, Idaho’s tallest peak and the Wild and Scenic Salmon River and Middle Fork of the Salmon River.

The area is a highly desired destination for hunting, fishing, white-water rafting, and many other recreation pursuits.

How to Apply for Temporary Jobs: Go to https://www.usajobs.gov/ Step 1—Create a USAJOBS account (if you do not already have one). It is recommended that as part of your profile, you set up automatic email notifications to be informed when the status of your application changes. If you choose not to set up this automatic notification, you will need to log into your USAJOBS account to check on the status of your application.

Step 2 — Create a resume with USAJOBS or upload a resume into your USAJOBS account profile. Customize your resume to ensure it accurately depicts your duties and accomplishments as they pertain to the position for which you are applying. Include accurate information about the length of time you performed such duties, as it is a key factor in determining whether you qualify for a specific pay grade. In addition, your resume must support your responses to the online questionnaire (you may preview the online questionnaire by clicking on the link at the end of the “How You Will Be Evaluated” section of the job announcement).

Step 3 — Search for the job announcement number (when available). Please read the entire announcement and all the instructions before you begin. Click “Apply Online” and follow the prompts to complete the “Occupational

Questionnaire” and attach any additional documents that may be required. Make sure you select to correct duty station(s) for the positions you are applying for. Double-check to ensure all required documents are uploaded.

You may update your application or documents anytime while the announcement is open. Simply log into your USA-JOBS account and click on “Application Status.” Click on the position title, and then select “Update Application” to continue. If you need assistance with navigating through the USAJOBS website, please visit: https://help.usajobs.gov/



  • Print and save all login usernames and passwords for your future
  • Saving your information does not mean you have applied for a job – only that you have a profile and have entered application
  • MAKE SURE you click on the apply button to submit your
  • Enter or update all required questions and resume
  • Make sure to apply for ALL GS levels you may qualify for, even if it’s a lower GS level than you would like to ensure you certify on the hiring
  • Each position or grade level you are applying for requires a separate application – one application for the same position at different locations.
  • Make sure you attach required documents (resume, transcripts, etc)
  • Do Not Alter Your Application After the Deadline




Announcement number: Due to the high number of jobs on the USA jobs web page and the number of jobs that are like each other, an announcement number is created to make each job specific. Each job listed in this document has a specific announcement number and is the only way you can apply for that job.


Duty Location: The town in which you will report to duty if you are hired.


New for 2023 – If you are willing to be considered for the same job at other duty stations, click the “Location Negotiable After Selection” tab.  


Location Negotiable After Selection, United States. For applicants this means: By selecting the “Location Negotiable” option during the application process, implies your willingness to be considered for any official duty location listed on this announcement and/or those duty locations not listed for this regional announcement. Pay rates vary depending on location. The salary shown is for the Rest of the U.S. See OPM.gov for additional information on pay rates.


Grade: The Forest Service uses a pay scale called the General Schedule (GS) pay scale. It ranges from GS1- GS15. Please see https://www.opm.gov/policy- data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/pdf/2022/GS_h.pdf for current hourly rates.


Position Contact: The position contact is the person who can answer specific questions about jobs and who you should contact to express interest or get more information about the job.


Apply within these dates: Just like the announcement number, each job has a very specific date range that you must apply in to be considered for the job.

You cannot apply early or late, and if you do apply early or late, the computer system will not send your application through to the hiring officials.


What qualifies you to work at each GS-level?


GS-2: You have some skills that are related and useful to the position you are applying to. Any education related to the field.


GS-3: You will need six months work experience in a related field in which you are applying to. Any education related to the field.


GS-4: Six months prior work experience as a GS-3 in a similar field will qualify you as a GS-4. Any college education related to the field.


GS-5: One year work experience as a GS-4 in similar field, or college education related to the field.


General Information about seasonal jobs:


Applicants must be 18 years of age. A 17-year-old may apply but must be 18 years old before they start their position. Some exemptions may apply depending on job duties (Contact position contact).


All seasonal positions are limited to 1039 base hours per season. Each seasonal position typically starts in May/June and ends September/October.


Housing: Government Quarters may or may not be available for these positions. Some positions, such as lookouts, it is highly recommended that you rent government housing. Employees seeking a non-government rental, can expect a price range from $500 -$800/month. For more housing information contact the person listed for the position.



















The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, status as a parent (in education and training programs and activities), because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or retaliation. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs or activities.) If you require this information in alternative formal (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) con-tact the USDA’s Target Center at (202) 720-2600 (Voice or TDD). If you require information about this program, activity, or facility in a language other than English, contact the agency office responsible for the program or activity, or any USDA office. To file a complaint alleging discrimination, write the USDA, Director Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C 20250-9410, or call Toll free, (866) 632-9992 (Voice). TDD users can contact the USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866)377-8642 (relay voice users). The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Positions in Archaeology


Duty Station – North Fork, ID


  • 1 GS-0102-05 Archeological Technician
  • 1 GS-0102-07 Archeological Technician


Duty Station- Challis, ID

  • 1 GS-0102-05 Archeological Technician
  • 1 GS-0102-07 Archeological Technician
  • 1 GS-0193-09 Archeologist


Major Duties:


The GS-0102-5/7 and GS-0193-09 position duties include but are not limited to:


  • Performs on-the-ground area surveys for surface and subsurface evidence of historic and prehistoric archeological remains. Identifies and records historic and prehistoric cultural resource sites.
  • Research reference materials such as State and National register files, historic documents, archeological reports, maps and aerial photos, and interviews individuals concerning project
  • Fieldwork may involve hiking in rugged mountainous terrain; often under extreme conditions carrying packs weighing up to 50 lbs. and overnight
  • Designs inventory strategies as part of the land use planning process based on Forest-wide priorities and needs (GS-7/9).
  • Organizes, supervises, or directly performs inventory of areas. Work includes preparation of maps, inventories, reports, and records related to the discovery, protection, inventory, salvage, and interpretation of heritage and cultural resource areas (GS-9).
  • Reviews reports as part of project planning to evaluate the quality of the inventory, the completeness of the report, and the significance of heritage or cultural sites found (GS-9).
  • Prepares determinations of effect for such projects identified during project Recommends mitigation procedures (GS-9).
  • Determines eligibility of historical properties for the National Register of Historic Provides heritage and cultural resource management orientation to Forest Service personnel on statutes, regulations, and purpose of work to be performed.


These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29–October 6, 2022


Position Title

Job Annc. #

Duty Location


Position Contact

Archaeology Technician






North Fork, Idaho





Dane Silva (208) 865-2716

(208) 993-3182

dane.silva@usda.go v

Archaeology Technician








, Idaho





Audrey Westmoreland 208-879-4121

audrey.westmorelan d@usda.gov

Archaeologi st



Challis, Idaho


Audrey Westmoreland 208-879-4121

audrey.westmorelan d@usda.gov


Positions in Fisheries and Hydrology


Duty Station – Salmon, Idaho

  • 1 GS-6 Biological Technician
  • 2 GS-5 Biological Technicians
  • 1 GS-4 Biological Technician


Duty Station – Challis, Idaho

  • 1 GS-5 Biological Technician
  • 1 GS-4 Biological Technician
  • 1 GS-3 Biological Science Aid
  • 1 GS-2 Biological Aid
  • 2 GS-5 Hydrological Technicians


Duty Station -Mackay, Idaho

  • 1 GS-5 Biological Technician
  • 1 GS-4 Biological Technician
  • 1 GS-3 Biological Science Aid
  • 1 GS-2 Biological Science Aid


Major Duties: GS-404-02/03/04/05/06


  • Employees will perform aquatic monitoring activities including:
  • Installing and retrieving stream temperature thermographs
  • Backpack electrofishing and environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling for fish population monitoring
  • Stream habitat surveys
  • Chinook salmon and bull trout redd surveys
  • Office work involves computers and ability to use Microsoft word and excel
  • Field work involves data collection the use of handheld GPS receivers andthe ability to identify juvenile and adult fish
  • Fieldwork requires hiking on unstable terrain and walking in streams wearing hip boots and carrying a 40-pound backpack electro-shocker.


Major Duties: GS-1316-04/05


  • Field duties involve hiking in steep terrain with a
  • Wading streams for data collection and driving on mountain
  • Field work will include 1-day and multi-day trips to access field sites in remote areas across the Forest.
  • Multi-day trips will involve tent camping or overnight stays in Forest Service
  • Collecting streambed sediment and bank stability data at established sites
  • Inventory springs and seeps, and collect soil disturbance survey data
  • Conduct site visits to verify water rights and uses
  • This information aids in a Forest-wide effort to determine stream and aquatic habitat health, as well as the level of impact to resident and anadromous fish species related to multiple use


These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29 – October 6, 2022


Position Title

Job Annc. #

Duty Location


Position Contact

Forestry Aide Aid



Challis or Mackay

, Idaho

GS- 02

Challis Duty Location:

Christine Stewart, 208-


christine.stewart@ usda.gov

Mackay Duty Station:

Bart Gamett, 208-588-


bart.gamett@ usda.gov





Challis Duty Location:

Science Aid




Christine Stewart, 208-




















Mackay Duty Station:





Bart Gamett, 208-588-










bart.gamett@ usda.gov





Challis Duty Location:

Christine Stewart, 208-879-


christine.stewart@ usda.gov

Mackay Duty Station:

Bart Gamett, 208-588-


bart.gamett@ usda.gov Salmon Duty Location: Keats Conley, 208-756-5252,
























Science Technician

23-TEMP3- R4-2296- 5DT-SC


Mackay or

GS- 05

Challis Duty Location:

Christine Stewart, 208-879-


christine.stewart@ usda.gov

Mackay Duty Station:

Bart Gamett, 208-588-


bart.gamett@ usda.gov



Salmon, Idaho







Salmon Duty Location: Keats Conley, 208-756-5252,



Biological Science Technician (Fisheries)

23-TEMP3- R4-2297- 6DT-AW

Salmon, Idaho

GS- 06

Salmon Duty Location: Keats Conley, 208-756-5252,







Hydrologic Technician


Challis, Idaho

GS- 05

Challis Duty Location:

Christine Stewart, 208-


christine.stewart@ usda.gov


Positions in Botany, Invasives, and Pollinator


Duty Station – Salmon, Idaho

  • GS-5 Biological Science Technician(s)
  • GS-4 Biological Science Technician(s)


Duty Station – Challis, Idaho

  • GS-5 Biological Science Technician(s)
  • GS-4 Biological Science Technician(s)


Major Duties: GS-0404-04/05


Perform weed control activities as part of Forest Service weed management crews. Weed control consists primarily of herbicide applications, but also includes:

  • Mechanical control methods and collection and placement of biological control Identify, collect, release, and monitor biological control agents.
  • Identify weed species and native Conduct weed inventory mapping and data collection using resource grade handheld computers/GPS receivers and GIS software.
  • Perform quality control checks, download and process weed control, inventory and monitoring data using various software programs and corporate Forest Service
  • Operate four-wheel drive vehicles and ATV’s/UTV’s, haul trailers and operate spray
  • Travel using a variety of equipment and vehicles, including 4WD pickups, ATV’s/UTV’s, pack and saddle stock, rafts and jet boats, and


  • Perform routine equipment and calibration checks and perform basic maintenance on a variety of weed control equipment, including, ATV’s/UTV’s, backpack pumps,
  • Assist with implementation monitoring (Did we do what we said we would do?) and effectiveness monitoring (Were our treatments effective in controlling weeds?) in riparian and upland plant communities using a variety of


These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29 – October 6, 2022


Position Title

Job Annc. #

Duty Location


Position Contact

Biological Science Technician (Plants)

23-TEMP3- R4-0013- 5DT-AW

Challis or Salmon, Idaho


Challis Duty Location:

Tommy Gionet, 208-993-1753,






Salmon Duty Station:

Diane Schuldt, 208-303-0754


Biological Science Technician (Plants)



Challis or Salmon, Idaho


Challis Duty Location:

Tommy Gionet, 208-993-1753,






Salmon Duty Station:

Diane Schuldt, 208-303-0754




Positions in Range


Duty Station – Salmon, Idaho

  • GS-5 Range Technician
  • GS-4 Range Technician
  • GS-3 Range Aid


Duty Station – Challis, Idaho

  • GS-5 Range Technicians
  • GS-4 Range Technicians
  • GS-3 Range Aid


Duty Station – Mackay Idaho

  • GS-5 Range Technicians
  • GS-4 Range Technicians
  • GS-3 Range Aid


Duty Station – Leadore Idaho

  • GS-5 Range Technicians
  • GS-4 Range Technicians
  • GS-3 Range Aid


Major Duties: GS-0404-03/04/05, GS-0455-03/04/05


These are mostly field going positions that will include the following primary duties:


  • Monitoring permittees’ compliance with annual operating instructions, including range improvement inspections, pasture rotation compliance, livestock location monitoring,
  • Performing end of season and long-term monitoring studies, in both upland and riparian sites, using several different monitoring
  • Assisting with routine fence maintenance and/or construction that is Forest Service responsibility to

Field sites are frequently remote and can require hiking or riding horses and the use of ATVs in steep and mountainous terrain. Ideal candidates for these positions would have experience with horses, ATVs, driving and navigating in rugged conditions, pulling trailers, and identifying range and riparian plants.


These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29 – October 6, 2022


Position Title

Job Annc. #

Duty Location


Position Contact



Challis, ID


Jessica Fischer


















Salmon, ID


Kyle Nelson


















Mackay, ID


Lans Stavast:



















Leadore, ID


Ingrid Fulstone 208-768-2516

ingrid.fulstone@usd a.gov

Range Technician

23- TEMP 3-R4-



Challis, ID


Jessica Fischer 208-879-4122



23- TEMP 3-R4-



Salmon, ID

Kyle Nelson 208-756-5201

kyle.p.nelson@usda. gov

23- TEMP 3-R4-



Mackay, ID

Lans Stavast: 208-588-3418,



23- TEMP 3-R4-



Leadore, ID

Ingrid Fulstone 208-768-2516

ingrid.fulstone@usd a.gov

Range Aid


Challis, ID


Jessica Fischer 208-879-4122





Salmon, ID


Kyle Nelson 208-756-5201

kyle.p.nelson@usda. gov


23- TEMP 3-R4-



Mackay, ID


Lans Stavast: 208-588-3418,




Positions in Timber and Silviculture


Duty Station: Challis, ID (5 positions)



  • 1 GS-4 Timber Stand Improvement (TSI)
  • 1 GS-5 Timber Stand Improvement (TSI)



  • 1 GS-3 Timber Sale Preparation (TSP)
  • 1 GS-4 Timber Sale Preparation (TSP)
  • 1 GS-5 Timber Sale Preparation (TSP)

Duty Station: North Fork, ID (6 positions) Timber:

  • 1 GS-3 Timber Sale Preparation (TSP)
  • 2 GS-4 Timber Sale Preparation (TSP)
  • 2 GS-5 Timber Sale Preparation (TSP)


Major Duties: GS-0462-03/04/05


The Salmon-Challis National Forest Timber and Silviculture Program plans on recruiting and hiring multiple timber sale improvement and timber sale preparation in Challis and North Fork, Idaho in 2023.


Seasonal employees will serve as crew members on very active timber programs with multiple work assignments and tasks including pre-sale, timber stand improvements, and timber inventory activities. Examples of the three principal activities are listed below.


Pre-sale activities include:

  • Marking and cruising, boundary layout and marking for future timber Timber stand improvement work include:
  • plantation certification, and identification of seed crops on Timber inventories include:
  • Stand exams, pre-cruise plots for timber sales, and forest

There will be the opportunity to learn how to:

  • Measure and identify trees, identify insect and disease agents
  • Utilize GPS and portable data recorders
  • Process collected data for the timber
  • Appointments may start in middle of May and be extended for those that can stay longer through the end of September.


These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29 – October 6, 2022


Position Title

Job Annoc #

Duty Location


Position Contact

Forestry Aid (General)

23- TEMP 3-R4-



North Fork, Idaho


North Fork: Nathan Meyer, 208-865-2721







Forestry Technician (Timber Sale


23- TEMP3

-R4- 2466-


North Fork, Idaho


North Fork: Nathan Meyer, 208-865-2721
































Positions in Rivers


Duty Station – Challis, Idaho (includes Boundary Creek and Indian Creek locations)

  • GS-6 Forestry Technician (Wilderness/Trails)
  • GS-5 Forestry Technician (Wilderness/Trails)
  • GS-5 Forestry Technician (Recreation)
  • GS-4 Forestry Technician (Recreation)
  • GS-3 Forestry Aid (Recreation)
  • GS-5 Park Ranger
  • GS-4 Park Ranger


Duty Station – North Fork, Idaho (includes Corn Creek duty location),

  • GS-5 Forestry Technician (Recreation)
  • GS-4 Forestry Technician (Recreation)
  • GS-3 Forestry Aid (Recreation)
  • GS-5 Park Ranger
  • GS-4 Park Ranger


Major Duties:


Join the Salmon Challis National Forest recreation program to work along the Wild & Scenic Middle Fork of the Salmon River and/or Wild & Scenic Salmon River, within the Frank Church River Of No Return Wilderness!


The Rivers program is currently looking to fill positions between the GS-03 through GS- 06 levels. The river program has 3 types of positions: River Checker, River Patrol, and Shuttle Driver. The River Checker positions require living at remote guard stations such as Boundary Creek, Indian Creek, or Corn Creek, while the River Patrol and Shuttle Driver positions will be stationed out of Challis, Idaho.


Employment will last from approximately mid-May through September with a work schedule of 8 days on and 6 days off. All of the positions may require working weekends and holidays.


River Checker (Visitor Use) – GS-03/04/05

  • Educate river users on Leave-No-Trace practices, wilderness ethics, chinook mitigation efforts, fire updates, river hazards, answer
  • Responsible for giving wilderness and river interpretive talks several times each day, inspect boats for aquatic invasive species, check required equipment, assign river camps, and issue float permits to
  • Maintain facilities and campgrounds such as buildings, picnic tables, restrooms, fire rings, boat ramps, airstrips, Heli-spots, etc. This includes painting, staining, using hand tools, and cleaning
  • Individuals will also interact with fisherman, stock users, aviators, and backpackers answering wilderness and river questions and explain area rules and regulations and may be a Forest Protection
  • The individual works independently or on a small crew requiring initiative, an excellent work ethic and the ability to greet forest visitor in a friendly and professional
  • The selected individuals may serve as Collection Officers for

River Patrol – GS-04/05/06

  • Patrol the Middle Fork of the Salmon River and Salmon River corridors to ensure that visitors understand and abide by the wilderness and river rules and regulations, educating and answering questions when necessary. May be a Forest Protection
  • Interact with outfitter & guides, float boaters, jet boaters, hunters, fishermen, stock users, aviators, and
  • Assist in wilderness monitoring, restoration projects, and other river program projects including facilities maintenance, gear upkeep, and ramp repairs. Provide support to other forest programs completing projects along the river
  • Naturalize and clean riverbanks, campsites, and trail sides as necessary, document
  • Act as an interpreter to the public, becoming familiar with the trails, fire ecology, fisheries, wildlife, cultural resources, and wilderness

Rivers & Wilderness Shuttle Driver – GS-03/04/05

  • Dropping off and picking up the River Patrol and their gear. Assist with other support duties with the Wilderness Ranger program. Perform safety inspections, general maintenance, and submit mileage reports for district vehicles and


  • Employee must be able to drive large vehicles towing a large trailer loaded with gear on rough, single-lane dirt roads, and have a valid state driver’s license. Employee assists the boat patrol employees with loading and unloading boats, supplies, and equipment at the launch and take-out
  • The shuttle driver may also work as a River Checker or be assigned other wilderness and river duties when


For additional details and clarification on the position descriptions, duty stations, and application process, or to express interest to ensure you receive the job announcement, contact the following:


Lisa Byers, 208-756-5177, lisa.m.byers@usda.gov

  • River Checker locations at Boundary and Indian Creek out of Challis, Idaho
  • River Patrol, Shuttle Driver out of Challis, Idaho


Jen Bill, 208-865-2713, jennifer.bill@usda.gov

  • River Checker locations at Corn Creek out of North Fork, Idaho


These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29 – October 6, 2022

Position Title

Job Announcement #

Duty Station


Forestry Aid (Recreation)


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Forestry Technician (Recreation)


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Forestry Technician (Recreation)


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Park Ranger


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Park Ranger


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Forestry Technician (Wilderness/Trails)


Challis, Idaho


Forestry Technician (Wilderness/Trails)


Challis, Idaho



Wilderness Trails


Duty Station – Challis, Idaho

  • GS-7 Wilderness/Trails Technician
  • GS-6 Wilderness/Trails Technicians
  • GS-5 Wilderness/Trails Technicians
  • GS-4 Forestry Technician (Recreation)
  • GS-3 Forestry Aid


Duty Station – North Fork, Idaho

  • GS-7 Wilderness/Trails Technician
  • GS-6 Wilderness/Trails Technicians
  • GS-5 Wilderness/Trails Technicians
  • GS-5 Park Ranger
  • GS-4 Forestry Technician (Recreation)
  • GS-3 Forestry Aid


Duty Station – Loon Creek, Idaho

  • GS-6 Wilderness/Trails Technicians
  • GS-5 Wilderness/Trails Technicians
  • GS-4 Forestry Technician (Recreation)
  • GS-3 Forestry Aid


The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness is the largest Wilderness in the continental US! With over 1,200 miles of trail there is no lack of work or exploring to do. Crews working in the “Frank” will have the opportunity to work at low elevation along the Middle Fork and Main Salmon River corridors in the cooler seasons and at higher elevations like Bighorn Crags and Soldier Lakes in the heat of the summer. Work projects may also include working in the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness. The Salmon-Challis National Forest Wilderness Trails Program is currently looking to fill Wilderness/Trails positions at the GS-03 through GS-07 levels. Most of these positions will be stationed in Challis or North Fork, Idaho. There will also be a crew station at the remote and historic Loon Creek Guard Station. Employment will last from approximately April/May through September/October and work schedules will be 40 hours/week with a typical tour being 8 days on with 6 days off.


The Forest intends to fill several of the above positions to be part of a Trail Maintenance Strike Team, maintaining trails in the Central Idaho Wilderness Complex Priority Area (Priority Area). The Priority Area includes the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness (FCRoNR) and lands immediately surrounding the FCRoNR


Major Duties:


The work will be in an outdoor setting for extended periods of time. Working outdoors may involve performing tasks in a variety of conditions such as hot, cold or wet weather and high elevations. In addition, these positions will require strenuous physical exertion including hiking up to 10 miles a day in rugged/steep terrain, bending, lifting, and carrying backpacks with supplies and equipment for long periods of time.

Incumbent will perform routine trail maintenance with use of traditional tools including log-out, re-establishing tread, and installing drainage features.


Other Duties include:


GS – O3/04/05/06

  • Patrol lakes, trails, and camp locations within the wilderness to ensure that visitors understand and abide by the rules and
  • Perform restoration around lakeshores, campsites, and trail sides as
  • Act as a wilderness steward; engaging the public to educate on best wilderness practices and “Leave no Trace”.
  • Being engaged and flexible with the program as a
  • Communicating to supervisors about issues and
  • Adhering to all safety requirements and
  • Field monitoring and upward


GS – 06/07

In addition to the duties listed above the lead will also perform the following:

  • Develop and carry out operating plans for wilderness maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and construction projects. Monitor the logistics required for completion of wilderness
  • Lead and train Forest Service and Partnership crews in wilderness and trails
  • Knowledge of backcountry horsemanship skills including packing and Coordinate logistics and work with stock.
  • Participate in the identification and planning for future trail construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and restoration Performs trail log,

condition, and prescription surveys. Enter data into the Forest’s Trail INFRA database.

  • Maintains visitors use records and prepares visitors use information for data
  • May serve as a Forest Protection Officer (FPO).


For additional details and clarification or to express interest to ensure you receive the job announcement contact:


Sydney Baker: Sydney.Baker@usda.gov or Jesse Lutz: jesse.lutz@usda.gov



These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29 – October 6, 2022


Position Title

Job Announcement #

Duty Location


Forestry Aid (General)


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Forestry Technician (Wilderness/Trails)


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Forestry Technician (Wilderness/Trails)


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Forestry Technician (Wilderness/Trails)


Challis or North Fork, Idaho


Forestry Technician (Wilderness/Trails)


Challis or North Fork, Idaho




Major Duties: GS-0462-03/04/05


Trail crew members work in some of the most spectacular country in Idaho. The work includes travel, overnight camping on site and employees must have a valid state

driver’s license. The selected individuals will be accomplishing trail maintenance in a wide variety of settings. Knowledge, skills, and abilities include the following:


  • Knowledge of backcountry horsemanship skills including packing and
  • Be proficient in operating motorized trail
  • Knowledge of safe operations of motorcycle/ATV/UTV.
  • Cleaning and repairing water
  • Constructing trail tread and repairing trail
  • Clearing logs and debris from trail
  • Trail work is strenuous; often working out of spike camps for the whole

“hitch” of 8-10 days. It is not a backpacking vacation. Crewmembers should be prepared to carry heavy backpacks through steep, uneven, rocky terrain in all kinds of weather.


We highly recommend contacting Steve Larrabee or Skeet Townley prior to applying for a trail job in regard to specific duties of the position. As the duties vary greatly between duty stations.


These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29 – October 6, 2022


Position Title

Job Annc. #:

Duty Location

Grad e


Forestry Tech (Trails)

Contact James Townley

North Fork, Idaho


James Townley 208-865-2726

James.townley@usda.go v





Steve Larrabee,

Tech (Trails)


-R4- 6157-





stephen.larrabee@ usda.gov

Forestry Technician (Trails)

Contact James Townley

North Fork, Idaho


James Townley 208-865-2726


Forestry Technician (Trails)

23- TEMP3

-R4- 2861-


Clayton, Idaho


Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,

stephen.larrabee@ usda.gov






Forestry Technician (Wilderness


23- TEMP3

-R4- 0008-


North Fork, Idaho


James Townley 208-865-2726

James.townley @usda.gov







Developed Recreation



The duties of the GS-0462-03 Positions are as follows: (one being an interpreter at Custer Town site)

  • Will be working in campgrounds and dispersed recreation
  • The individual will clean facilities and maintain improvements such as picnic tables, restrooms, fire rings, fences,
  • The individual will interact with the public answering routine questions and checking compliance with rules and
  • The individual works independently or on a small crew and will be required to use hand tools and cleaning


The selected individual(s) for the Technician Positions (GS-0462-04/05) will have the following duties:


  • Assist in the daily management of dispersed and developed recreation


  • The incumbent will be expected to maintain and clean facilities such as campsites, dispersed recreation sites and restrooms and make visitor contacts to educate and enforce area
  • The position will be responsible for operating and maintaining all vehicles and tools associated with duties of the
  • The selected individual may serve as a Collection Officer for campground fees as well as a Forest Protection Officer (FPO).


Additional duties of these positions include:


  • Patrolling and monitoring recreation areas by vehicle, addressing issues as they
  • Monitoring the condition of facilities and resources, including fixing, maintaining, and replacing items as
  • Participating in educational activities, answering questions, giving directions, and working with visitors and other
  • Incumbent may be asked to respond to highway and land-based emergencies as


Individuals working on the Salmon-Challis National Forest can expect to perform their duties in a variety of weather conditions ranging from intense heat and sun to extreme cold with rain and snow. Applicants must be physically fit and be able to work in high elevations and steep/rugged conditions. The incumbent must also be at least 18 years of age. The incumbent will be working outdoors and may occasionally be required to spend the night in the field (sleep in tents and prepare meals in an outdoor environment). Bunkhouse facilities may be available but are not guaranteed. Work will be full time, 4-5 days/week, including weekends.


These positions will be announced on USAJobs on September 29 – October 6, 2022


Position Title

Job Accn. #

Duty Location



Forestry Aid (Recreation)

23-TEMP3- R4-2327- 3DT-SC

Mackay, ID


Steve Larrabee 208-879-4135,







Forestry Aid


Clayton, North





Fork, or


Steve Larrabee,





















Challis: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,

stephen.larrabee@usda.go v

North Fork: James Townley 208-865-2726


Forestry Tech (Recreation)

23-TEMP3- R4-0010- 4DT-MG

Clayton, Idaho Challis, Idaho Mackay, Idaho


Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,







Forestry Tech

23- TEMP3-

Salmon, Idaho


James Townley 208-865-2726


R4-0010- 4DT-MG




Forestry Tech (Recreation)

23-TEMP3- R4-0017- 5DT-MM

Challis, Clayton, Mackay, or North Fork, Idaho


Challis: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,

stephen.larrabee@usda.go v






Steve Larrabee,

























Steve Larrabee




















North Fork:





James Townley











Forestry Tech

23- TEMP3-

Salmon, ID


James Townley 208-865-2726


R4-0017- 5DT-MM




Forestry Tech (Recreation)

23- TEMP3- R4-0017- 5DT-MM

Challis, ID Clayton, ID


Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,

stephen.larrabee@u sda.gov

Forestry Tech (Recreation)

23-TEMP3- R4-0017- 5DT-MM

Salmon, ID


James Townley 208-865-2726



Forestry Tech (Recreation)

23-TEMP3- R4-0017- 5DT-MM

Challis, or Mackay,



Challis: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,

stephen.larrabee@ usda.gov


Mackay: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,



Forestry Tech (Recreation)


Challis, Idaho Clayton, Idaho Mackay, Idaho


Challis: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,

stephen.larrabee@ usda.gov


Mackay: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,



Forestry Tech (Wilderness/Tra ils)

23- TEMP3- R4-2326- 7DT-MG

Mackay, ID


Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,



Forestry Tech (Recreation)

Contact James Townley

Salmon, North Fork, or Challis, ID


Salmon or North Fork:

James Townley 208-865-2726

James.townley@u sda.gov





Challis: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,




Forestry Tech (Recreation)

23-TEMP3- R4-2971- 9DT-AW

Challis, Idaho Mackay, Idaho


Challis: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,

stephen.larrabee@ usda.gov





Mackay: Steve Larrabee, 208-879-4135,

