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To establish strategic objectives and develop long-range plans for engaging, informing, and nurturing audiences essential to development of the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability (SDSS). These include current and prospective Principal-, Major-, and Annual-Gift donors, as well as alumni, volunteers, and the community. Responsible for setting program goals, managing relationships, and providing leadership resulting in the overall success of development communications and donor relations/stewardship programs.

* Provide strategy, leadership, and direction for the Development Communications & Donor Relations team.
* Craft a comprehensive, flexible, and clear development communications plan for the school that reflects our academic and financial case for support, showing the trajectory from conception to steady state.
* Oversee the creation and delivery of tools and resources for the field fundraising team, from printed collateral to custom proposals with both evergreen and bespoke content.
* Partner with gift officers and development leadership to develop and oversee SDSS giving opportunities, including naming and recognition for the Sustainability Commons, and ensure that these remain consistent when used by the development team.
* Act as thought partner and collaborator with university donor relations colleagues, fundraisers, and faculty, as well as OOD and SDSS leadership.
* Manage shifting priorities and competing deadlines, including high profile, sensitive requests on tight turnaround.
* Partner with Annual Giving, Alumni, and Community Engagement staff to craft and support traditional and emerging narratives as the school grows and expands its engagement efforts within Stanford, beyond Stanford in the surrounding communities, and around the world.
* Partner extensively with the SDSS Associate Dean of Marketing & Communications to ensure that the team’s messaging is aligned with and reflective of the school’s highest-level communications strategy. Ensure that Stanford and SDSS branding, style, tone, and other best practices outlined by the marketing team are used consistently and appropriately
* Lead the team in planning, designing, and implementing a comprehensive program acknowledging, recognizing, informing, and engaging SDSS donors at all levels.
* Ensure that donor gifts are used in an appropriate and timely fashion, working with university and school leadership, faculty, financial teams, and planned giving staff, always mindful of Stanford’s reputation and the public’s perception.
* Direct staff and provide leadership to achieve the SDSS vision and goals, paying special attention to the change management needed as the school opens and grows. Responsible for hiring and retaining staff, career coaching, and personal development for direct reports and accountable for the performance of employees.
* Demonstrate a commitment to promoting and supporting an environment of diversity and inclusion.