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Salary$16,502 living allowance paid over the 11month term of service (approx. $1,500 monthly, before taxes).

This position is in partnership between the Confluence Environmental Center, AmeriCorps Program, and Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling. The Waste Prevention Educator will build on the successes of previous AmeriCorps Members in the following ways:

Encourage Washington County community members to waste less food at home. Preventing food waste has emerged as a priority across diverse stakeholders as a way to increase food security and protect the environment. As part of the Eat Smart, Waste Less campaign, the Member will educate community members about wasted food prevention through a series of tactics such as event tabling at farmers markets and community events, doortodoor canvassing in multifamily communities, movie viewing events and presentations to community groups (50%).

Encourage community members to prevent waste and recycle at home, with a focus on historically underserved communities. The Member will assist staff in offering technical assistance to multifamily property managers and providing education and outreach to multifamily communities upon request. The Member will recruit Master
Recycler volunteers to help with outreach and education efforts (30%).

Depending on time, staffing, and other factors, the Member might work on:

o Researching the feasibility of a local community compost program.
o Supporting local repair and reuse initiatives.

o Surveying food donation sites in partnership with our Green Business Team.