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Salary$16,502 living allowance paid over the 11month term of service (approx. $1,500 monthly, before taxes).

In partnership with the Confluence Environmental Center, AmeriCorps Program and PCC, the Member’s goal is to establish and support institutional systems to get healthy food, including fresh produce, to students with lowincome and their families. Additionally, they will serve to bring awareness of food insecurity and develop leadership to address these systemic conditions. The Member’s time with PCC will be split into 3 complimentary parts, related to food insecurity for PCC students.

1. The Member will address underlying components of systemic food insecurity at PCC and create meaningful
change by helping instructors integrate food security topics into curriculum, developing educational programs, and
supporting student initiatives (25%).

2. Support students in need through collaboration with PCC resources, and external resources like Oregon Food
Bank and Partners for Hunger Free Oregon (30%).

3. Develop and lead educational activities that utilize Portland Community College’s well established Learning
Gardens, focusing on both food production and food growing education (25%).