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Salary– DOE

Chehalis Basin Lead Entity solicits interest from consultants with expertise in document formatting and
design. Applicants will be considered for the following projects:

Report layout and design – Newaukum Pilot Watershed Restoration Plan

Services will be provided to complete formatting and layout of an approximately 30-page report including text, appendices, and maps.

By finalizing this plan for a sub-basin-specific watershed restoration strategy, this task helps the Lead
Entity meet its scope of work Task 1.5. “Emerging science and improved strategies should inform how
projects are developed and how project implementation can best be supported. Adaptive management of
priorities and strategies ensure concurrent involvement with emerging information.”

Term of contract: August 29, 2022- December 30, 2022.

Applications due August 5, 2022.

The selection of consultants for this project will include an evaluation of the following factors:

Format and design experience (50%)

Example work product quality (30%)

Record of completing tasks on time and on budget (20%)

Grays Harbor County encourages disadvantaged, minority, and women-owned consultants to respond.