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Salary– $74,950 – $116,788 per year


As a Marine Resources Management Specialist , you will perform the following duties:

• Process incidental take authorizations (ITA) requests pursuant to Section 101(a)(5) of the MMPA and in conformance with NMFS’ policies, including: reviewing applications submitted by the public; coordinating with applicants; conducting analyses; responding to public comments; and drafting necessary documents to articulate and support agency findings/decisions.

• Critically analyze scientific literature, agency documents, and other applicable information to assess impacts of activities on marine mammals and develop/evaluate mitigation and monitoring to support agency findings under the MMPA.

• Conduct necessary evaluation and documentation to ensure compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), National Marine Sanctuaries Act, the Administrative Procedures Act, and other applicable statutes.

• Communicate – via a wide range of oral and written methods such as presentations, briefing papers, or other documents – program policies, requirements, and issues to the public and other Federal Agencies, as well as to other NOAA programs and leadership.

• Support program planning, monitoring, improvement, and policy development across Division, and assist with other Division actions as needed. This includes projects intended to broadly increase effectiveness and efficiency of the ITA process or the processing of MMPA or ESA research permits.