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Salary– 27.81/Hr

Position/Project Specifics:

Research efforts undertaken under this project include secondary data collection efforts with the potential for primary data collection efforts. Various methodologies of the field are applied to determine findings to support reports, publications, and communication of research findings to various fisheries management entities including the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the West Coast Regional Office, and constituents including community members and research participants.

This study collected primary commercial fisheries social data from participants in the Groundfish fishery to measure social impacts of the catch shares program on the individuals and communities affected. Efforts geographically extended from the Canadian border south to Morro Bay, CA. This project is concluding and preparing data for dissemination on a web based application for use by the public or management entities. Any new or varied analysis is conducted as needed to respond to requests of the Pacific Fishery Management Council committees, the West Coast Regional Offices’ teams, and other entities. In order to respond to these requests, a high level of rapid analysis and response is required to generate the most accurate and comprehensive reporting of information. All types of analysis is extensive as it requires the comparison of data across the multiple years of data and the analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. Analysis is conducted in such a way to maintain consistency of reporting and to meet the goals of the study as well as communicate back to study participants and communities. The PSMFC is critical in the support to collect the data in person and generate such high quality data collection and response rates for this type of data collection during the primary data collection cycle, as well as excellent support of the extensive analysis of a very large data set.

In addition, to this primary catch shares project, several other directly related spin-off projects are on-going. They directly relate to management needs and inquiries. They include the analysis and development of new infrastructure data/research, gear/species data, and oral histories. These projects are in various stages of design, development, analysis, vetting, and web dissemination. All the project contribute to existing and ongoing Ecosystem Science Research such as the California Current IEA.

Offers of employment with PSMFC are contingent upon candidates being fully vaccinated from COVID-19 (unless eligible for exemption under a reasonable accommodation).

Essential Functions:  (The functions listed below are characteristic of the type and level of work associated with this group and pay band. They are not all-inclusive. Individual positions may perform some or all, as well as other similar work.)

At the lower end of the range, employees;

  • Compile project data into standardized electronic data formats. This includes accessing filed information and verifying it’s accuracy and completeness, performing data entry, electronic data transfer, editing and error checking.
  • Extract relevant data which may be presented in many different text and numeric formats, reports, tables, graphics, or figures.
  • Maintain local versions of datasets in accordance with established regional database exchange formats and standards.
  • Maintain a local archive of current and historical reports and documents.  Coordinate the regular transfer of reference materials to archives and libraries.
  • Train technical and general users in the use of database applications through individual instruction and/or group presentations.
  • Create queries, summaries, and/or maps in response to requests for customized data.
  • Prepare and manipulate various data and graphic outputs for use in reports, presentations and internet applications, using standardized retrieval scripts.

At the Upper end of the range, employees:

  • Develop and implement databases and libraries. Includes acquiring new data as well as taking previously created or historical databases or spreadsheets and integrating them. Data sources vary in format including database, spreadsheet, and survey data sets. Custom interfaces maybe required.
  • Produce written research and statistical reports (including graphs, tables, maps and text), data sets and data summaries using a variety of analytical techniques and software tools. This involves the use, modification, and development of database retrieval scripts.
  • Document data handling and reporting to ensure consistency and validity of data between and within sites. Files may come from sources that use different computer hardware, software systems/protocols, and different communication packages.
  • Maintain and update data catalogs, data catalog directories, and metadata.
  • Perform system maintenance and backups. This includes routine database checkpoints, checkpoint verification, tuning, data-process merges, and user account management. Restore files when required.
  • Perform Help Desk Functions, responding to on-line user inquiries about access to the database and data retrievals, the execution of query scripts, and standard report programs.
  • Participate in technical user groups to determine future data needs and the programs that will fulfill them. Coordinate the development of standards and exchange formats for the efficient movement of data between participants.