For more information, please follow this link:

Desired Projects

The goal of the Chehalis Lead Entity is to help get funding for projects that will do the most to help salmon in the Chehalis Basin. The Habitat Work Group is working on  identifying the types of projects needed to address high priority needs. Contact the Lead Entity Coordinator to get the latest resources on what types of projects are high priority.

Steps for Getting Your Project Ready

Do you have a project in mind? This section will help. Salmon habitat projects and activities must employ one or more of the strategies listed in the Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Strategy for consideration by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board. If you don’t know if your project aligns with this Strategy, check:

If you have a project in mind and you want to become a project sponsor:

  • Download Manual 18, the official guidance on the Salmon Recovery Grants program.
  •  This Manual is updated annually, so even if you are familiar with it, check for the latest version to make sure you are following all the appropriate steps.
  • Review the project ranking Criteria to see how your project will be evaluated.

Things to consider in developing your project:

  • If you plan to correct a passage barrier: What other barriers are there upstream? How much habitat is there upstream?
  • What species of salmonids are present in the sub-basin?
  • What is the landuse in the sub-basin?
  • What is the future land use of this sub-basin? What other regulations might affect the future of this sub-basin?
  • What is the water quality in this basin?
  • What are the salmonid life-stage uses of this basin?
  • What are the stream dynamics upstream that will affect this project over the long term?
  • How do I develop a stream habitat restoration strategy?

Resources to help answer those questions:

Once you are ready to apply:

There are several steps to applying for a SRFB grant in the Chehalis Basin Lead Entity process. Chehalis Basin SRFB grant proposals must be submitted through the Chehalis Lead Entity and must meet recovery goals as outlined in the Chehalis Basin Salmon Habitat Restoration and Preservation Strategy for WRIA 22 and 23. A full description of the local process is outlined in Section 9 of this plan.

Steps for application:

Application Timeline

Every year, different components of the Salmon Recovery Funding cycle take place at approximately the same time. See the Calendar for the dates of this year’s grant round. The current year’s schedule can be found here: 2021 Grant Round timeline

Month Event/Deadline
January Conceptual Project Form Due to Lead Entity Coordinator
February / March Complete application due in PRISM
January – March Project presentations to Habitat Work Group
April Technical Review Team and State Reviewers visit sites of proposed projects
May Technical Review Team ranks projects
June Final materials due in PRISM and process complete for project sponsors.
August Region submits recommendations for funding, including alternate projects
September SRFB Announces Funding Decisions!
October – December Sponsors develop new project concepts and submit Conceptual Forms as needed