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Interested in doing research within the Monument boundary? The Friends Research Fund annually awards individual grants ranging from $250 – $1500 to undergraduate and graduate students for faculty-supervised projects that enhance an understanding, appreciation, preservation, and/or protection of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. Students have an opportunity to share their findings with the public at the annual Monument Research Symposium.


This grant is available to students who:

  • Are studying in areas of biology, environmental sciences, sociology, arts, and humanities, or business

  • Are currently enrolled as a Junior or Senior Undergraduate or a Graduate with good academic standing at a state or regional college or university

  • Have successfully completed (with a passing grade or better) coursework in at least one upper-division course related to their area of study

Application Process:

The 2022 grant cycle is OPEN as of March 29, 2022.

Completed applications must be submitted by Friday, May 6, 2022 at 11:59 pm PST.

Download the Application Form and Instructions. Application materials include:

  • Application – Instructions (pdf) – 3 pages

  • 2022 Application Form (pdf) – 9 pages

  • Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages)

  • Faculty/Advisor Letter of Recommendation

If you have questions, email Friends Student Research Grant.