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Salary- $34,368.00 – $44,412.00 Annually

Our Scientific Technician 2, 

  • Conducts daily adult and juvenile trap checks.
  • Assists with trap repair and construction, and instream installation and weir/trap removal.
  • Collects and records accurate biological data and field observations.
  • Safe handling and anesthetization of adult and juvenile ESA listed salmonids and other fish species commonly encountered.
  • PIT tagging of adult and juvenile salmonids.
  • Preps and maintains field gear for daily use.
  • Conducts redd surveys up to 6 miles/survey during all weather conditions.
  • Collects hook and line data for residual steelhead study.
  • Electronic data entry in P4 and Microsoft Access forms.
  • Reviews data daily to ensure accuracy.
  • Ensures timely data management, to ensure up to date field summaries are available.
  • Data backup, and uploading to PTAGIS website.
  • Uploads and manages juvenile PIT tagging files from P4 to PTagis.
  • Assists lead biologist with summarizing and graphical presentation of juvenile data.
  • Assists colleagues within Fish Science and Fish Management, as assigned by supervisor and agreed upon.
  • Data projects.
  • lnstream array deployments, operations, and maintenance.
  • Creel Surveys.
  • Assists with spawning or mass tagging activities at Lyons Ferry Hatchery.


  • Work Setting, including hazards:    
    • Walking on slippery stream substrate, in cold water and on and around adult and juvenile fish traps in cold water are inherent in typical daily duties.
    • Extreme temperatures are encountered throughout the field season.
    • Operations and fieldwork may be required during irregular and non-standard work hours and under arduous and varying weather and field conditions.
  • Schedule:   
    • Work schedule is typically 5 days/week.
    • Work conducted during the peak field seasons may include non-standard work hours (weekends, evenings and/or holidays) and the possibility of weeks in excess of 40 hours.
  • Travel Requirements: 
    • No travel for this position.
  • Tools and Equipment: 
    • Handheld power tools, chain saws, 4WD trucks, smolt traps, weirs, PIT Tag readers, and other common tools of the fisheries field.
  • Customer Interactions:
    • There is the possibility for interactions with the public or landowners during routine field trap checks, but these should be infrequent as most of the field work is conducted in a remote setting.


  • Graduation from high school or GED, including one year of high school science, AND two (2) years of experience as a Scientific Technician 1.


  • Graduation from high school or GED, including one year of high school science, AND two (2) years of laboratory or field experience as an assistant to a biologist, chemist, or zoologist.

Please note: College course work involving major study in biology, zoology, fisheries, chemistry, natural sciences, or closely allied field will substitute, year for year, for experience, provided the course work includes at least six (6) semester or nine (9) quarter hours of natural science classes.


  • Valid driver’s license.


  • Must demonstrate proficiency in the safe handling and anesthetization of adult and juvenile life forms of ESA-listed salmonids.
  • Accurate identification of juvenile and adult salmonids and other fish species of southeast Washington and the Lower Snake River basin.
  • Proficiency and creativity in computer skills, related to data entry, manipulation, and word processing.
  • Experience with multiple types of fish weirs and rotary screw traps is preferred.
  • Experience with spawning ground surveys is preferred.
  • Experience with P4 and Microsoft Access for recording and managing data.
  • Experience PIT tagging adult and juvenile steelhead and other salmonids.
  • Basic construction abilities.
  • Ability to think critically when encountering problems in the field.