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Proposal Guidelines

The WNPS Education Committee has a yearly budget of $5000 that it disburses to worthy proposals that educate the public about native plants in Washington.  Projects may be in the form of a permanent public display including plantings or labeling of native plants; an educational curriculum or museum display; a website or website-based educational program; posters, signs, brochures or presentations about invasive plants; or a teacher resource package that is suitable for reproduction and distribution. Most awards are granted in amounts of $300 – $1500.

Project applications should include the following:

Date of application

  1. Name, address, telephone number, email of applicant/s. Please indicate clearly if the applicant is an individual or an institution or organization. If the applicant is a student intern or volunteer, there must also be a contact person who is a permanent employee of the organization or institution.
  2. Title and description of project.
  3. Objectives of project.
  4. Methods to be used.
  5. Anticipated results of the project.
  6. Timeline and projected completion date. For garden projects, please include maintenance personnel and schedule (who will do tilling, planting, watering and weeding, and when) for at least one year after the garden is first established.
  7. Itemized budget (as specific as possible).
  8. Rationale for WNPS funding (how the project will benefit the goals of WNPS).
  9. Include at least one letter of recommendation for the proposed project from a supporting organization, agency or individual.
  10. Please provide confirmation of your current WNPS membership. This may be a copy of your newsletter label or receipt from the state office of your dues.

If funded, half of an award is paid when the proposal is funded, and the second half is paid when the project has been completed. A final report and receipts for expenses must then be submitted.  The final report should be approximately 300-500 words in length and include a digital photo if possible for inclusion into the Society’s quarterly publication, Douglasia or eNewsletter.

Education proposals are reviewed by the Education Committee. Applications are due March 1st each year.  2022 Awards will be announced by April 1st as a part of the WNPS Native Plant Appreciation Month celebrations.

Please direct inquiries and submit one electronic copy of your proposal and one paper copy of your proposal to:

WNPS Education Committee Chair
c/o WNPS Office
6310 NE 74th St. Ste 215
Seattle, WA  98115