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The Aspen Leadership Group is proud to partner with Washington Environmental Council and Washington Conservation Voters in the search for a Vice President of Development.

Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the Vice President of Development will lead the overall development program for Washington Environmental Council (WEC) and Washington Conservation Voters (WCV), attracting and securing income to help them achieve their strategic plans and fulfill their missions. The Vice President will set the overall fundraising strategy across multiple revenue streams, ensuring their implementation and making adjustments throughout the year. The Vice President will ensure the overall development function for WEC/WCV is running smoothly, with optimized systems that support healthy donor cultivation, stewardship, and solicitation strategies while pursuing new areas for strategic revenue growth. In partnership with the Chief Executive Officer, Board, and Senior Management Team, the Vice President will foster a culture of philanthropy throughout the WEC/WCV community.

Washington Environmental Council is an IRS section 501(c)(3) nonprofit, statewide advocacy organization that drives positive change to solve the state’s most pressing environmental challenges. The organization works to protect, restore, and sustain Washington’s environment for all people in the state. For over 50 years, WEC has been at the forefront of environmental protection in the state, securing laws and policies that safeguard the health of Washington’s families and environment. From bedrock laws like the State Environmental Policy Act, to improving management of Washington’s forests, to finding solutions that reduce climate emissions and build a clean energy economy, WEC ensures a healthy future for Washington state so it remains a great place to live and work.

Washington Environmental Council works in partnership with Washington Conservation Voters (WCV), an IRS section 501(c)(4). WCV acts as the statewide political voice for the environment, helping ensure that all people in Washington state have a healthy environment and a strong, sustainable economy. WCV does this by working to elect environmentally responsible candidates to state and local offices. Working with others in the community, WCV advocates for strong environmental policies and holds elected officials accountable for their actions. Through its political work, WCV strengthens laws that safeguard the health of all communities, the beauty of the state and Washington’s economic future. The two organizations share staff, office space, and administration. By effectively combining the policy know-how of WEC with the political know-how of WCV, the organizations have reshaped how environmental protection is achieved in Washington state.

As historically white-led environmental organizations still hold structural power today, Washington Environmental Council is committed to dismantling systemic racism and advancing racial equity and environmental justice in all it does. It works with the understanding that the same beliefs, practices, and systems that create and perpetuate interpersonal and institutional racism, also create and perpetuate environmental destruction. Solving one cannot be done without solving the other. There is no environmental justice without racial justice and economic justice. Until it does this, WEC cannot fully achieve its mission.

A bachelor’s degree is required for this position as is at least seven years of experience in revenue generation. Experience working within an affiliated network of organizations with shared programs is welcome. All applications must be accompanied by a cover letter and résumé. Cover letters should be responsive to the mission of Washington Environmental Council and Washington Conservation Voters as well as the responsibilities and qualifications presented in the prospectus.