Submit a project description (see below for details) 

Project Qualifications:

  • Project will be conducted somewhere primarily in Washington (may include portions neighbor states immediately adjacent to Washington border)
  • Project can be new or part of a conservation effort already underway
  • Work funded must be completed by end of the calendar year in which the project is awarded
  • Submission must be by a WA-TWS member or clearly indicate involvement of a WA-TWS member
  • A single project effort for the available amount is preferred, but the Chapter will consider funding multiple conservation efforts at lesser amounts totaling the amount available.
  • Funded activity can be on-the-ground actions or communication and outreach activities

To Apply:

Submit a project description (see below for details) using the subject line ‘Conservation Grant Application’ to our Grants Committee (grants@watws.orgby December 15.  Funding approval will be communicated by January each year.

Project description guidelines:

  • No more than 3 pages in length
  • Formatted MSWord .doc or .pdf
  • Must include:
    • Title of the Project
    • Objective(s)
    • Location and Spatial Extent of the Project
    • Description of how work will benefit wildlife populations and/or habitat conservation
    • Species and/or habitats to be benefited
    • Identity of any project partners
    • Brief statement of how WA-TWS participation and funding will be acknowledged as part of project outreach or other awareness building
    • Digital images may be included to illustrate project
    • Contact name, address, phone, and e-mail for person submitting