Dates: October 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28; November 2, 4
Times: Class meets Thursdays from 10a-11:30a Pacific/1-2:30p Eastern & optional check in sessions take place Tuesdays from 11a-12p Pacific/2-3p Eastern
Time required (including homework): 17.5 hours
CE Credits towards NAI Certification: 25 hours will be awarded if participants complete all assignments. Partial credit can also be earned.

Cost: As part of our Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity & Accessibility initiative, NAI is offering this workshop on a pilot, sliding scale, “pay what you can” model. A sliding scale fee structure gives all interpreters the opportunity to access this content as we all grapple with climate change amidst a global pandemic. We want everyone to attend, and we appreciate your support of NAI’s non-profit mission of inspiring leadership and excellence to advance heritage interpretation as a profession. Please select the rate you can pay and note that higher levels help to support those that cannot. (Course is valued at $275 member/$350 nonmember rate.)

See details and register at

Course description:
We live in challenging times; behind COVID and more, climate change and the sixth great extinction looms. It is such a potentially divisive juggernaut, many interpreters are left feeling immobilized and alone considering how to approach it internally, much less in our work. This 5-week series, based on The Work that Reconnects, supports the experience of our own deep resilience in approaching climate change with courage. Through dialogic and interpretive group activities (you are free to take, adapt and use), we will create a space to feel deeply and share honestly about climate change – vital skills that will enrich our interpretive programs to be more alive and connected. Upon completion, you should feel grounded, grateful and inspired to move forward. 

This live portion will be held on Zoom paired with an online classroom environment where we will get to know one another, have discussions and you will be given activities to do between live sessions. These activities might be journaling, short nature experiences, or dialogic activities to be completed in pairs. 
In week one, we will meet each other, discuss the basis for the work and dialogue on our personal and professional relationship to climate change interpretation.  
In week two, we will dig into our gratitude for what we value and use it as a tool to deal with adversity with grace and grounding.   
In week three, we will honor our pain for the world as we turn towards what we have lost and face to lose.  In the grieving process, we awaken to what matters and can use that as fuel for action.  
In week four, we lean into deep time as we begin to see with new (and ancient) eyes, which allow for new strategies and ideas.  

In week five, we look toward the future, feeling empowered to approach life and our interpretation with active hope and strong support. 

Instructor: Kara Stella is the Interpretive Coach and Trainer for Yosemite National Park. She has a degree in Natural Resources Planning and Interpretation from Humboldt State University. She has been in the field of interpretation for 22 years. A facilitator, trainer, and storyteller, Kara draws from The Work that Reconnects for her climate change work.