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Application is open 5 July – 11 October, 2021

Science communication (SciComm) to wider audiences is critical for building dialogue with communities around the world, informing sound policy, and inspiring the next generation of researchers. Even over the past year, with the stress and danger of a global pandemic and the difficulties it poses to science outreach, we have seen scientists rise to the challenge, coming up with new and exciting approaches to remain engaged with broader communities, to share what they know and why it matters in a compelling and accessible way.

AGU is committed to supporting these efforts. We want to help fuel creative scicomm endeavors, and we know that often it takes just a little bit of money to launch far-reaching innovation. With that goal in mind, we will be offering grants (averaging $1,000 or less) to scientists around the world to encourage and jump-start outreach and engagement activities that will share science and its value with wider communities, from journalists to policymakers to students to members of the public.

Grants must be for activities/events that will begin before December 31, 2021.


These are only a few examples of the many kinds of outreach activities these grants could help support:

  • For a planned online event or series with public audiences or journalists (e.g. a talk or presentation, roundtable Q&A, or discussion series), funds for a Zoom account or similar online platform.
  • For multimedia SciComm products like infographics or videos (to be shared via social media or with specific audiences), funds for software or pay for consultants (illustrators, animators, etc.) to develop/edit said products.
  • For a postcard-writing campaign to legislators on the importance of investment in science, funds for printing and shipping materials (like AGU Science Is Essential postcards) to host a virtual postcard-writing party.