Are you reemerging from quarantine? Bummed about heat domes and the Western wildfires?  Ready to take action on climate change?

The planet is telling us in no uncertain terms that the effects of the climate crisis are already upon us. While it is too late to stop the impacts we are experiencing now, it is not too late to prevent the worst impacts to come. We can still have a livable planet, but it will require quick and effective systemic action. We cannot change what other countries do, or even our national policy, but we can make sure that our county takes the steps needed everywhere to create systemic change.  That is doing our part.

Reemerge with us at the upcoming TCAT Picnic, and if you are looking at ways to become involved in the solution to the climate crisis, please consider volunteering with TCAT!

The Reemergence Picnic will be on Sept 2nd at 5:30 at Lions Park. Bring your own (BYO) picnic dinner and beverages for you and your family, and we’ll provide the dessert!  We do ask everyone to bring your own plate and silverware so we can avoid using disposable products that kill the trees we fight to protect.  If you are not fully vaccinated, you will be required to wear a mask. We will have a special designation for those that are vaccinated. Parking is limited so please send all members of your household in one vehicle, bike, take the bus, or carpool!

This potluck will be a chance to meet our new staff: Melinda Hughes, our new Executive Director, and Alice Grendon, our new Communications Coordinator.  It will also be a chance to honor Tom Crawford, TCAT Founder who is stepping back to “just” be our board president after years of being well …everything.  The potluck will also be a moment to publicly thank Barb Scavezze, our very first staff person, as she retired during shutdown.   Lynn will be joined by our other continuing staff person Carrie Ziegler and Board member Chris Van Daalen in describing some of our action groups so you can see what you might be interested in.   Of course, we will have lots of open socializing and networking time!

Below are some ways you can volunteer your time and gifts with TCAT:

  • Chief Proofreader:  Are you one of those people who loves to find dangling prepositions, and to dot every I and cross every T?  We could use one or two proofreaders for our newsletter and for other documents we produce. Time – 2 hours either once or twice a month.

  • Researcher:  Would you love to research what other cities are doing in their climate policy?  We have got specifics if you have time. You decide how many hours a month, and we will tailor a project to your hours.

  • City lobbyist:  Would you enjoy writing and giving a three-minute testimony on various parts of our climate plan before city councils? Time – 1 hour a month.

  • Government monitor:  Are you willing to monitor (or better yet, serve on) various city and county advisory boards to help us nip various problems before they happen or encourage climate friendly solutions.  Time – 1 to 4 hours a month.

  • Board Member:  TCAT is looking for board members.  Time – 2 to 4 hours a month.

  • Artists in Action: Join Carrie Ziegler in a newly forming Action group called Art in Action.  This group will figure out how to use art to move action as happened in the Chrysalis Project and the Climate Justice Mural.  Time – 2 to 4 hours a month.

  • Food and Agriculture enthusiasts: Do you believe that regenerative agriculture is a major part of the solution to climate?  Join this newly forming action group, and let’s see how to make it happen. Time – 2 to 4 hours a month.

  • Tree Hugger? Help push through tree protections for your city and create planting opportunities.  Time – 2 to 4 hours a month.

  • Facilitator: Do you love to get the meeting set up and move the group through the agenda?  Our Buildings action group could use some help with that.  Time – 2 to 4 hours a week.

  • Urban Planner: (not professionally – just in your interests) Are you interested in the intersection between energy efficient homes and affordable homes?  Help us try to think about how to do this in a climate justice way.  Time – 90 mins a week.

  • Program development: Do you have the skills and experience to help develop a service project?   TCAT is looking at potentially kicking off an EV group purchase program.   We need help with developing the structure of that.  Time – 90 mins a week.

  • PR and Advertising: Are you good at getting a message out to the public.  One campaign we can use help on is promoting the purchasing of electric vehicles. Time – 4 to 5 hours a month.

To volunteer with TCAT, either email, or call (360) 350-6507 for more information or next steps!

We look forward to seeing you at the TCAT Reemergence Potluck Picnic and to working with you for a better tomorrow!

RSVP for the Picnic Here!