The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Capitol Lake – Deschutes Estuary Long-Term Management Project is now available. This begins a 45‑day public comment period (June 30 – August 13, 2021). Comments on the Draft EIS will be accepted through an online comment form, via email or mail, and at an online public hearing.

The EIS provides a description of the long-term management alternatives and an impartial discussion of significant environmental impacts and benefits, as well as mitigation measures that would avoid or minimize adverse impacts or enhance environmental quality. Neither short-term actions (e.g., dredging) nor a long-term management alternative (Managed Lake, Estuary, or Hybrid) can be implemented without an EIS.

The Draft EIS is available in the project library for download in full and by chapter. Printed copies of the Draft EIS are also available for public viewing at five locations.


Visit the online open house for a high-level summary of the contents of the Draft EIS, details on how to provide comments, and information on public activities designed to facilitate public review and comment on the Draft EIS. The online open house will be available throughout the comment period – visit anytime.

The Draft EIS includes discussion of the following:

  • Project Background and History
  • Project Alternatives & Construction Approach
  • Existing Conditions & Affected Environment
  • Long-Term Impacts, Benefits, & Mitigation
  • Short-Term Impacts & Mitigation
  • Cumulative Effects
  • Planning-Level Costs, Funding Recommendations, & Other Considerations
  • Engagement with Work Groups, Community Sounding Board, & State Government
  • Permits and Approvals for Implementation of a Preferred Alternative


Attend Online Office Hours

Join the EIS Project Team during online office hour sessions. Drop into the Zoom meeting anytime during these hours to ask clarifying questions and learn more about the Draft EIS. There is no set agenda or presentation. Formal Draft EIS comments cannot be submitted during office hours – please see below for details on how to submit your comments.

July 7, 2021 – 2-3 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 9392 5007
Phone: 1-253-215-8782

July 14, 2021 – 7-8 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 0244 4281
Phone: 1-253-215-8782

July 15, 2021 – 10-11 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 8477 1914
Phone: 1-253-215-8782

Visit the Heritage Park Trail Loop Self-Guided Open House

Kiosks include:

  • Project Overview (7)
  • Long-Term Management Alternatives (1A and 1B)
  • Visual Simulations (2, 6, and 9)
  • EIS Overview (3A and 3B)
  • Ecological Functions & Recreation (4)
  • Sediment Management & Water Quality (5)
  • Construction (8)

Observe Upcoming Briefings with Work Groups and Stakeholders

The EIS Project Team will be providing a presentation and answering clarifying questions at the following Work Group and Stakeholder meetings. All meetings are open to the public. Please visit the website to find more details and review meeting agendas and materials.

Formal Draft EIS comments cannot be submitted during these meetings – please see below for details on how to submit your comments.

State Capitol Committee – Capitol Campus Design Advisory Committee Joint Meeting
July 13, 2021 – 1-3 PM
Meeting details

Technical Work Group
July 7, 2021 – 9-11 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 2480 2495
Phone: 1-253-215-8782

Executive Work Group
July 12, 2021 – 1-3 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 5422 1945
Phone: 1-253-215-8782

Community Sounding Board
July 15, 2021 – 6-8 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 107 6477
Phone: 1-669-254-5252

Interest Group Briefings

We continue to schedule briefings with groups and organizations throughout the community. The presentation will be consistent with the presentation at the Work Group and Stakeholder meetings, including a summary of Draft EIS content, an overview of key findings, and information about how to provide comments. We will answer clarifying questions. If you are interested in a briefing for your organization, please email us at or call (360) 407-9323.


Enterprise Services will review comments received on the Draft EIS and evaluate whether additional technical analyses are required to ensure a complete evaluation and support informed decision-making on a preferred alternative for long-term management of Capitol Lake – Deschutes Estuary.

All comments submitted will be considered equally regardless of how they are submitted. Comments that are identical (e.g., form letters) or similar in nature will be treated as single comments. All comments will be documented in the Final EIS comment response summary.

What are Substantive Comments?

Comments that address a specific aspect of the project or the Draft EIS, rather than simply expressing a preference for or against the project alternatives, are most useful. Comments should be as specific as possible. It is also helpful if the comments refer to chapters and pages of the Draft EIS.

Specific topics to consider in your comments on the Draft EIS include:

  • Comments on the information and analysis provided
  • Comments on key components of the alternatives
  • Comments on potential measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts
  • Any new or additional information that should be included in the analysis and would support consideration of alternatives
  • Any other considerations that should be included in the decision-making process

How To Submit Comments


Via Mail

Department of Enterprise Services
Capitol Lake – Deschutes Estuary EIS
PO Box 41476
Olympia, Washington 98504-1476

Verbally at the Online Public Hearing

Join us on July 27, 2021, for an online public hearing. Enterprise Services staff and EIS Project Team members will attend to hear your feedback and comments on the Draft EIS. The online public hearing is one of multiple ways to provide comments (attendance is not required at this meeting in order to provide comment). The hearing will be broadcast live via TVW.

If you would like to submit a verbal comment please register today; registration is not required to observe the meeting. Learn more about submitting comments.

Thank You!

Thank you for investing your time in reviewing this Draft EIS. If you have questions, email us at or call (360) 407-9323.