Every summer, college students from around the world join scientists at the Lunar and Planetary Institute and NASA’s Johnson Space Center to work on exciting planetary science research. Internships like these provide incredibly valuable experiences, not only to prepare for their careers but also to network with professionals in the field.

In our new series, LPI Intern Stories, you’ll hear from LPI summer interns about their preparation for their internship, their ongoing experiences, and how the internship has helped them. These free interactive webinars are designed for high school and undergraduate students, educators, and families.

Join us for one, two, or all three webinars — just be sure to join us. All webinars will be broadcast live via Zoom and on LPI’s YouTube channel.

See past webinar LPI Intern Stories (Panel 1) from June 25th, and the upcoming LPI Intern Stories (Panel 2 & 3) on July 13th & August 12th at https://www.lpi.usra.edu/features/060121/lpi-intern-stories/