A two day training course followed by field experience on Governors Island in New York City.

Are you a scientist seeking a creative outlet and connection to a broader audience? Or a creative professional who wants to inspire others with a passion for science? Are you looking for lively and innovative approaches to communicating climate science?

This free 2-day workshop on July 12th and 13th, 2021 will equip you with skills and techniques to tap into your creative side, and effectively communicate the wonder and complexity of climate science to diverse audiences.

The workshop itself will be followed by a unique multi-day field experience at Governors Island, where participants will have the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned by engaging the public in a range of climate-related installations and immersive learning experiences as part of the Pratt Climate Provocations project.

Many people who believe that science is “not for them”, have only ever encountered it via formal, largely passive, classroom experiences. The School of Architecture and School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Pratt Institute, in partnership with Guerilla Science, wants to change that. This workshop is for individuals interested in creating experiences that mix science with installation art, theatre, and play, to introduce new audiences to the excitement of scientific discovery and social relevance of climate science.

First, the workshop: Held on Governors Island, NYC this activity-rich workshop will cover topics including: science, society, and culture; audience interaction; interpreting and interacting with climate-design in public projects; building immersive experiences; and designing for equity and impact. The workshop will culminate in a final showcase where participants bring together all they have learned in a unique public installation or engagement activity.

Then, the field experience: Graduates from the workshop will create and engage with public audiences in several days of field activities, installations, and immersive, playful events at Governors Island over the summer. This unique experience will enable them to synthesize all they’ve learned, while introducing new, diverse audiences to the excitement of scientific discovery.

Applications, Instructions, & Timeline

Applications for the Communicating Climate Science Through the Arts Training program can be made through this google form (google login required). You’ll need to submit all of your application materials at once, so it’s best to prepare the following items in advance. Full instructions for what to prepare, more details including information about eligibility, travel support, and a list of FAQ can be found here.

We will start reviewing applications on June 11th 2021, and continue until the course is full. We expect to send out invitations to participate starting on June 18th 2021.

More Info/Apply: https://guerillascience.org/events/climate-training/